It has absolutely not become a normalized occurrence. Do you know anyone who was stabbed to death for turning down a proposition for a date? Neither do I.
It has absolutely not become a normalized occurrence. Do you know anyone who was stabbed to death for turning down a proposition for a date? Neither do I.
That's hardly "normal" male entitlement. This is a crazy person. No normal teenage boy would stab someone to death for turning down an invitation to prom, or anything else.
Women are irrational.
Not quite right, actually.
Ah, this has been cross-posted to Jezebel. That explains why all the shrillest and most irrational posts are so heavily favorited.
That is absolutely false. You can certainly consent while "intoxicated." You just can't consent if INCAPACITATED. There's a big difference.
He's very likely a rapist given what information is available, but nonetheless he was never convicted of any sexual assault related crime and that fact is relevant to the conversation. Plenty of people cop to a generous plea when they're potentially looking at decades in prison. Even innocent people.
She may have said no, but she then changed her mind and consented.
I no rite? He pretty much raped her.
She's Miss America. She exists to be a spectacle. Your complaints here just come off as petty.
15 years? He wouldn't even get that. The specific charges include extortion and child pornography. He'd probably get 5 years, if that.
Sounds like a reasonable argument.
What pressure?
Ignorance of THE LAW is not a defense, but that's not what HazelWassername2 is talking about. There's two types of mistakes where the law is concerned. There's "mistake of fact" and "mistake of law." Mistake of law is, as you say, not a defense to criminal culpability. Mistake of fact, however, can be a defense if…
That's the thing that gives me pause about Lisak's research. He defines rape very narrowly, and this narrow conception of rape appears to be primarily perpetrated by a small number of repeat offenders.
That's the thing that gives me pause about Lisak's research. He defines rape very narrowly, and this narrow conception of rape appears to be primarily perpetrated by a small number of repeat offenders.
I agree.
Completely wrong.
Holy shit?