
Right, but legally speaking someone is capable of consenting so long as they aren't completely incapacitated. So someone can black-out (not pass out), willingly participate in sex, and then wake up the next morning not sure if what happened was consensual.

You can't.

That graphic has been completely debunked as nonsense.

Agreed. I was just about to say that.

Indecent assault is basically groping. I'm guessing he did something worse, though (like indecent assault of a minor), and that he plead down to indecent assault. If a college aged guy was drunk at a party and grabbed some girl's ass, the prosecutors will usually give him a break and let him plead down to 'simple

I think "enthusiastic" consent is kind of a stupid phrase. It implies that even consensual sex is rape unless both parties are unbelievably horny. Voluntary consent is enough for a legal standard, and you don't have to be SUPER DUPER excited about sex in order to voluntarily agree to participate.

I know that it's become a feminist dogma to insist that no woman in history has ever lied about sexual assault, but we can we at least admit there's a substantial possibility of that happening in this case?

"If a woman doesn't say yes, then she isn't consenting. Period."

That's not consent, that's a verbal contract. Consent just means that you willingly accept another person's conduct. Which doesn't need to be verbalized.

Yeah, it's stupid. But then again, so are feminist assertions of sexism whenever women are seen to be disadvantaged in some way.

Or how about if its not ok you tell me so. Because you're an adult with a functioning mouth, and it's far less tedious that way.

You're an ignorant fanatic. Nonverbal consent is just as legitimate as verbalized consent. if your definition for consent makes 95% of all sex nonconsensual, then you probably have a bad definition.

Stop conflating consent with verbal permission. Those are two different things. Consent just means that you willingly accept another's conduct, and it doesn't have to be verbally stated.

If she changes her mind she can fucking say so. No means no, no matter what, but insisting on this torturous verbal exchange prior to every little touch is never going to be a popular idea.

Sorry for lashing out like that.

As if that's something that's objectively known.

Fact is that studies on this subject are all over the map, and it should be obvious, based on the nature of rape cases, that it's impossible to determine what percentage of them are false. Even if we knew, for sure, that 0.00000001% of rape accusations are false, it

As if that's something that's objectively known.

Because that is something that is objectively known, right?

She uses the words, but it's clear that their use is merely a formality. As far as that hideous pig Lindy West is concerned, the man in question is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, and nothing could ever dissuade her from that baseless presumption.

Lindy West is a hideous pig of a woman.