I’ve said before, and I will continue to say when this game is brought up: The game play loop is extremely well designed and that makes it the most disturbing game I’ve ever played.
I’ve said before, and I will continue to say when this game is brought up: The game play loop is extremely well designed and that makes it the most disturbing game I’ve ever played.
He’s an old school nerd who makes his own tech, he better play WASD, no controller.
I mean, she started treatment for the hit right away. She already had ice on it.
I love how it wasn’t just one, but two Canadian bands that paid tribute. This also reminds me of the two kinds of Canadian music. One that we let out into the wider world, and the better one we keep for ourselves.
Personally it is based on how referring to the system. As an object it is The N.E.S. as something personal it becomes my ness.
One small issue, you pin Heavy Rain as the start of this interface and that’s not quite right. The main use of the motion interface (stick movement to represent actions) came in Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy back in ‘05. Even then, there were hints of it back in Omikron, at the least non-standard control schemes, back in…
It was Harry Potter and his gang. About the only reason I wouldn’t be 100% on this is because he’s not bragging about it yet.
My questions, and my wife’s, is how “new” is “newly installed”? Did someone get canned over the story and the new boss has agreed to all of Disney’s demands?
Yeah, this just makes me want to play the original not the new one. This new one is “All America!”. COD used Normandy as the backdrop of the campaign but didn’t use the beach landings. This was huge, every war game at the time had a map based on Omaha beach, even non WWII games.
I’ll tell you how it’s a family resturaunt. My folks took me to Florida when I was 14 and that included a trip to Hooter’s for lunch one day. Best entertainment they had was watching me be a subtle as I could at “not staring”. My mom in particular couldn’t stop laughing at me.
When we watched “Duck & Cover” as part of the 50's history section of Grade 9 in high school, I’d already played Fallout 1 and read the manual cover to cover. I was the only one not laughing at the ideas in the video, because I knew how bad it would really be, particularly outside the main blast zone.
When we watched “Duck & Cover” as part of the 50's history section of Grade 9 in high school, I’d already played Fallout 1 and read the manual cover to cover. I was the only one not laughing at the ideas in the video, because I knew how bad it would really be, particularly outside the main blast zone.
When we watched “Duck & Cover” as part of the 50's history section of Grade 9 in high school, I’d already played Fallout 1 and read the manual cover to cover. I was the only one not laughing at the ideas in the video, because I knew how bad it would really be, particularly outside the main blast zone.
Fun story, when my mom was pregnant for me (1984) Witnesses caught her on the lawn enjoying the weather. When they “But wouldn’t you want you and your child to survive and be saved during a nuclear blast?” She said “No, screw that, I’d head straight towards the blast zone. I don’t want to live in the hell hole that…
Be more subtle. Tell him, if he want’s his present he only needs to offer up his candy that’ll be in his stocking. If he asks what the present it, tell him he needs to pay to find out. When he does, the box will contain, 1 special grad printed socks from ThinkGeek, 2 pairs of plain black socks, and a note asking “How…
Those aren’t any red flowers, those are poppies. For the Commonwealth they are a very powerful symbol from that war. For Canadians like myself, the poem about Flanders field and poppies is extra important.
It’s going to be 6 years this February for my mom (that hurts to type). Just a few weeks go I went to the cemetery to stop by for the first time since we stuck her ashes in a hole in the wall.
At 31, I’ve just started playing tabletop games. In the first session of Call Of Cthulhu, one of the players had a 30 cal machine gun with him. As we’re ending the scenario in the woods, he hears a twig snap and fills the trees with lead.