SO MANY amazing things in this episode, so I'm only mildly surprised I haven't seen this brought up yet: the military contractor company our new zombie overlord is part of? FILMORE GRAVES. iZombie Pun Names strike again…
SO MANY amazing things in this episode, so I'm only mildly surprised I haven't seen this brought up yet: the military contractor company our new zombie overlord is part of? FILMORE GRAVES. iZombie Pun Names strike again…
I was laughing and cringing this entire episode. As someone who had a UTI that was maybe a day away from hospitalization, it was too painfully real. (As soon as Rebecca complained of back pain I was like 'FORGET THE PIE. YOU'RE IN TROUBLE')
Gah, the box! The great unsolved mystery :-(
This show was FANTASTIC. I am devastated there's not a season 2. While it may not have always been the most subtle of shows, I loved the globe-trotting nature as we jumped around between several different plots and locations, I loved the characters and their relationships, and I loved the humor in the face of…
Obviously Pike is the next character that needs to die, right? And from the look on her face at the end of the episode, it's going to be Octavia that gets the privilege. Damn that was intense.
Since the kids all grew up together and were trained from a young age about the ritual, I imagine there was a lot riding on the honor system. Plus the kids were all the same age and would have been equally matched, lowering the likelihood of a one person assassination squad. Ontari is an adult, hates everything Lexa…
As soon as you give Barry the advice to NOT do something, he's going to run off and do it. Earth 2, ANY time travel…the man is a menace to the space-time continuum.
Loved every single second of Barry/Flash and Kara/Supergirl (as a fan of both shows since their starts, it's unsurprising). I had the dopiest grin on my face the entire time. Totally agree that the only thing holding it back was the villains - I really like Livewire but I cannot get behind the Silver Banshee makeup. I…
I really really wanted to see more deafened-Matt. The panic was SO well done - I liked that we didn't get to hear his panicked cries. We were struck just as deaf as he was. But the sudden switch…yeah, laugh-worthy.
DD is painful to watch. The Flash is fun (with a dose of melodrama here and there - see: Barry screaming at the sky this week). Long Live The Flash.
I was saying after the show I want a Bobbi and Hunter travelogue series. No bad guys, no aliens, just visiting exotic locations (and hunting mushrooms).
I didn't watch the first few weeks because the title was SO cringe-y and anti-feminist to me. But the reviews from here kept saying it was great so I gave it a try. As soon as you watch one freakin' episode the feminist merits shine through like a beacon. I've loved it ever since. This episode may have had the best…
Yep, I thought we were going to see a bunch of innocent people executed. Spending your last days alive in a military prison is only a slight step up.
My money is on the other dick priest did it (on the order of those fucking cardinals). Been awhile since a TV show made my jaw drop. This show is awesome.
Rebecca's hair definitely doesn't match this hairstyle…but I don't think they're having "trouble" with her hair on the show. It's one more thing that makes Rebecca more relatable - real women style their hair differently from day to day! And they very purposefully had the other lawyer sporting Rebecca's pilot-hair -…
Jasper has annoyed the hell out of me this season, but I LOVED when he figured out that the City of Light had made Jaha forget about Wells and just noped the fuck out of there. He's in pain, but he doesn't want to forget the love of his life. This episode was the first time I didn't roll my eyes at the City of Light.…
I really wanted a quick Chris Evans cameo too, but agree it would undercut the idea that Peggy has finally let him go. I would have loved it, but it's probably better for the overall story he was absent.
My husband and I both agreed that we would watch Rogelio's show religiously.
Jobs I wish I could have: food stylist on iZombie.
Man I missed these shows (and your reviews! So glad to have some official Fosters love).