
“the infamous pie eating competition in Stand By Me”

According to the FAA, if the person telling it where to fly is not on board, it’s a UAS - Unmanned Aircraft System, and also according to the FAA, a UAS is a drone.

“its just in refrence to both Tim Cook and Steve Jobs stating the reason as to why they dont make their products here”

Yeah, that completely makes sense. It’s just the article’s wording that was confusing, implying that one motor is magnetic while the other is not.

“Middle of summer there now - probably swarms of mosquitoes.”

So.... someone had sex with a mosquito?

It’s exciting to see this kind of tech moving from experimental stages to something in production and available.

So the difference is a motor that is built on existing parts of the bike, rather than with a geared drive train? That makes much more sense than the wording in the article.

Sure, NASCAR caught a driver doping his engine, and some ball players doped their bats with cork.

Ironically, the poster child for preservative packed indestructible food isn’t.

“Magnetic power would be both quieter and more discrete”

“Maybe they’re thinking “manned” mission to Mars, but as I understand it, that’s in 2030.”

Like the 70s were any better when Marvel’s top characters were hawking snack cakes?

“How do people know which ones are theirs”

I get that there are real security concerns here, but overall just how scary is the idea that someone could learn your child’s name from hacking records related to a toy - there are a bajillion other ways a stranger could learn your child’s name. What makes this one particularly scary?

If only Gizmodo had a microbiologist on their staff.... Then an editor could assign her stories like this.

“So they have to pay money (or lose income) to take part in the electoral process?”

This was my first question as well.

Mwhite66, you are a veteran Gawker Media commenter. You should know by now that the relationship between a headline and an article’s content is tenuous at best.

“If I recall, he has been on the side on NRA and relaxed gun laws.”