
“Sry [sic] to be mad because I lost the most important match of my life,” he tweeted responding to a fan’s critique.

Given that World of Warcraft has (for the last few years) let you make your new gear look like any of your old items , theres a huge culture around transmogs, basically running old content for new looks.

That’s what killed my interest. Blizzard let Comp swallow Quick Play and turned it into Comp Without Rankings But Still Serious Fucking Business, So Go Back To Arcade You Filthy Casual mode. Bring back QP Classic and don’t put it in the Arcade, add hero pools to New QP and call it something like “Unranked Comp” or

“Both Earth Day and Nature Day do very little to actually improve the environment”

Man, I certainly appreciate that there are other perspectives out there than my own, but as someone who likes to think they’re incredibly sympathetic (empathetic when I can be), shit like this drives me absolutely nuts.

Strongly disagree, I think they’ve aged terribly.

Now playing

Kojima kind of revolutionized gaming by showing that they can be so much more. He may not be THE icon of gaming (honestly who is other than maybe Mario or something symbolic like that) but the impact he had on the industry is undeniable. He showed games could be cinematic masterpieces. The plots were often completely