Mad Planetoid

That’s because most of us are straightforward people. :)

Ive wondered though about women who cant orgasm. Is it more-so the women, or just the wack ass guys who dont know what they are doing?

While on the outside the LGBT+ community is painted as this shining pillar of unity on the inside it’s incredibly murky.

I think if there’s one thing that LGBT advocacy orgs need to internalize from the way abortion has been treated in our country, it’s that even once we’ve “won”, we cannot stop fighting. I’ve been seeing a lot of gay-marriage-centric orgs shutting down, basically saying, “we won!”

I am so sorry you had to go through so much. But you carry that spark! I feel it in your voice.. with that hope new gardens will bloom in your life and dreams. May these new flowers be ever bright and bold! **HUGS**

I came out to my friends (now ex-friends who continue to haunt my dreams) two months before Leelah Alcorn died. It was a shocking experience to see unfold right before my eyes. I couldn’t fathom how so much hate could exist in this world, how some could be so inhumane to someone so full of love.

Is my distress about how children are treated in toto showing?

No, a book cannot cause someone to become gay. It might, however, help someone to internally acknowledge that they are gay, and thus have more self-acceptance, more self-esteem, and a greater sense of security.

Please let’s leave out the comments about “We should just have all restrooms be unisex”! No. Fuck no. I mean for single person bathrooms, totally. NOT for stalls. And read my entire comment before spouting off at me, okay? For one thing, YOU might be all hyped up to have a dude bare leg-to-leg in the stall next to

The culture of censorship surrounding unpopular opinions by the left has always been oppression.

1. You are right that non-conforming gender expression is common in LGBT children. That is different gender dysphoria, which happens when your gender identity does not match your assigned gender. One is an objective observation of behavior and preferences, the other is a state of being. Transgender and LGB/Straight

Sense of gender and sense of self are different.

“If women want to be taken seriously in the workforce, looking feminine is a good place to start.”

THIS is the argument I’ve had with those who I consider NOT my friends (also know as the “An AR doesn’t do that much damage” cuntbags). I work in Emergency Medicine and believe me, If I had to (touch wood) be shot with a gun and a choice, I’d go handgun/pistol all the way. That’s repairable (mostly; unless someone has

I’m not arguing that I have a choice in my sexuality; but that I have a choice when it comes to the kinds of relationships I can have. Theoretically, it would be possible for me to be straight-presenting and firmly closeted for my whole life, without denying myself the opportunity for a satisfying relationship. If

If we say it’s a choice then the right wing will pounce on that and claim that it doesn’t deserve civil protections. Which, as a Christian is complete and utter bullshit. My being protected from discrimination because of what faith I choose to follow isn’t more important than protection from discrimination for sexual

Little girls are AMAZING. And they never stop, really. If you just let them be what they want to be, they will just be AMAZING. My own little girl would only wear dresses from about 2 to 6, but ONLY with bike shorts or leggings because she was modest (somehow) and fierce and didn’t want to show her undies while GOING

When my daughter was 2, she insisted on being a flamingo for Halloween. I didn’t even know she knew what a flamingo was at that point. But I made her a flamingo outfit out of pink panne velvet and feather boas and she loved it.

Folks. There isn’t enough funding going into mental health. There aren’t enough facilities/beds, and in the rare instances where there are, it’s difficult to keep staffing up so that those beds can be filled. Mental health workers are often overworked and underpaid, and in those spaces where more is needed (outreach

I like the drag. It re-emphasizes that women are perceived as less than men. Craig loses power by putting on a dress, he becomes less than. If a woman were to put on a man's suit (the suit that he was wearing) she would gain power. Man as woman= silly ridiculous. Woman as man = serious. The whole women should aspire