Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
I am trying to keep my emotions in check. I was umm... verbal at work today and I hate that since I am only out to my wife I cannot explain to anyone why having these people in charge of 3 out of 4 and soon to be 4 out of 4 branches of our government upsets me so. I will not allow this to stop me and my quest to…
You are right, it was super easy. What has driven me nuts is how effective the decades long attack on Hillary’s character has been. This should have been a blowout against that poo of an orange con man. I hate how insidious and effective some of this misogynistic assault on her has been even on myself. I really only…
Having looked at those charts I would like to point out that when you compare them to the 2012 numbers between Obama and Romney where you have a charismatic incumbent and a robot in a skin suit Romney got far more male votes than Trump ever has. That said I have no logical explanation for why that vile groping Cheetos…
No it is actually a good idea if you are on city water which can get disrupted by a big storm you may have to live without running water. So having a small supply in your tub is a good idea if the seal on your tub is any good. It is also a good idea to put a little bit (a tiny bit) of plain beach in it if you forgot…
It really depends on the person and their environment. Some express it as early as very young children though I think for most it doesn’t really start causing problems until around puberty and others manage to repress it until late in life. Unlike deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life, being trans is…
While I’m sure it might feel better to see stronger punishment for this judge. (And oh boy did she earn it) I would rather know that the woman who was abused got at least some help which she so badly needed. Which as usual I can’t find out because that isn’t “news” and likely didn’t happen. It all makes me sad.
Thank you for this thread! After reading this thread for giggles I googled Pink Hazmat Suit and immediately regretted it (rule 34 *sigh*).
Heh.. that’s me too.. Though honestly I don’t care about the soap (my skin has plenty of oil so the neon green bars do little damage).. it is just habit and easily and cheaply gotten. The H&S I don’t know I tried a ton of dandruff shampoos years ago and basic H&S works well enough without making me stink too badly and…
Yea, I understand that relationships fall apart and frequently with lots of pent up anger and pain. And in the heat of whatever they are feeling they do stupid crap. But this.. this is a special sort of obsession maybe I am naïve in that regard and there are people who do this sort of thing all of the time and for…
While I understand your sentiment and no doubt women get hit with this shit all the time. And maybe I’m weird here but I can’t flip between parent and ‘sexy mode” on a dime either and like hell I want my partner to feel sex as some obligation. Father’s fucking day is every time my children smile when I come to pick…
I would like to point out that as a Florida resident I prefer our governor to be called the “Crypt Keeper”.
In my experience, being transgendered means the gender you are born with and the gender you identify your self as being are not the same. But saying “identify with” sounds too weak to my ears. For many it is a lifelong battle and there is no shutting it off. I fully understand those who for so many reasons stay hidden…
Completely agree, my point was only that while you can choose to not act on that side of yourself does not mean that you have somehow stopped being attracted to the same sex. I get it.. I have committed myself to a “normal” hetro existence with someone and love them as much as I have loved anyone, have a family, and…
As someone who is firmly inside the LGBT+ “rainbow” but is stuck and too afraid to ever express it. I feel the way I feel and no amount of wishing or repressing will change me. What these people need to get in their thick skulls is that unlike their protected beliefs this is a part of us as much as any part of our…
I won’t pretend to understand addiction but I am with you. I watched my father, step mother, and my half brother on his side drink themselves into oblivion. My father died craving alcohol in his hospital bed. My bother who was very well off and had a wine collection you only hear about in movies and famous auctions…
Agreed, I just don’t understand this crap at all why is it so hard for some men to control themselves. And then these apologists uggg I get that he will pay for this deed long after he has served his sentence but sorry a price must be paid and as far as I’m concerned the only person who can forgive him is the person…
For sure and it is so cool having both. My son was real quick at language (his arch-nemesis is silence), a complete mess at physical coordination, and awesomely terrible at lying as his emotions are right there for all to see. Our daughter came out chasing him (he is 5 years older) and even though she is still mostly…
When I was young I begged my mom to make me a snoopy costume ( think a couple of years running) man did I rake in the candy actually won a couple of costume contests. Hugs to all the awesome moms out there!
That would be awesome! I see all those people who make awesome cosplay stuff and think it is so cool, I could never do it myself (too pathetically shy and I have no clue on clothing design) but my wife’s best friend’s daughter loves doing that and I know she would love to help make something for her. We’ll see we got…