Mad Planetoid

I know... the news here has been rather hard to read lately but this brought a smile, I so love them when they do stuff like this I’m going to miss them.

That is so damn annoying, Fin and Rey were awesome together and he deserves better on that poster. That said one of the few things that really pisses me off about SW:TFA was the reveal that Fin was some sort of sanitation worker I know it was meant to be a joke but damn. How about instead you just find a clever way to

What's with that new fangled automatic film strip projector! Silly kids back in my day... eww... now I feel old, tired (because I'm dieting).. and sick to death of that mockery of a human being (Trump) always in the news. Though when Hillary wins it'll be interesting to see how people react to Bill as the first first

Hehe... somehow I don’t see that feature being added anytime soon.

Yea, I just don’t understand that line of thought at all. Are there that many men so broken in the head that the presence of women breaks their self control or that they have so little respect for women that they think it is ok to treat them that way? I have met my share of messed up people but when this behavior

Agreed, and I would fully expect a drop in physical violence. Though I seem to remember woman’s prisons are not exactly places filled with sunshine and rainbows either. (Sorry it was the first thing to come to mind for a space that is mostly devoid of men.) More interesting to me would be how family/social units would

Agreed, watching those dim-wits go ballistic is fun though the trailer leaves me with the same eye roll I got from Idiocracy. An idea taken to its most illogical conclusion for the laughs but instead feels pandering.

This.. I had this conversation today as most armed security is posted at the exterior of the facility to be protected. And most of these shootings are done by people who have legit access or were allowed access past the main guards. Once the shooters are in and their guns ready (most likely done under cover) it is

Agreed. Additionally I feel like there should have been more factions like the gunners, forged, children of the atom, pillars, etc. that could be built up as well. Or at least have some way to build standing or wear uniforms so some might not be instantly AoS. I find the generic raider and it variants a tad boring..

I am a bad example. I don’t know if it is the cause but when the genetic tests came back for our son said that he has abbreviated Y chromosome they tested me to check for problems and I was outed as the source. Their response was “you are fine so it must be OK”. I realize it may unrelated but I just don’t have that

I wonder if it might be possible to use a high powered maser (microwave/rf laser) to kill the electronics in the target. Perhaps for greater range combine multiple emitters into a tunable beam so you can fine tune your “hotspot” at longer ranges.

I seem to remember you can fill some of your inflatable structure with your water reserves to get some shielding. While your lander team pieces together the robots that will be used to dig the tunnels for the base. Maybe design later habitat(s) to inflate and seal the tunnel entrances thus acting like oversized

An interesting point. Though I do wonder how much of these behaviors have to do with how the genders react to and learn to deal with conflict. (I’m not making excuses here.) None of these annoying cultural habits are written in stone but I bet at least some of it has been handed down for a very long time and may have

Funny I never get into competitive FPS games now matter how amazing looking or fun people say they are. For some reason they never seem to grab and keep my attention like a RPG can. But I must say I want to see more of this game world’s story.

Very nice. It will be interesting to see how all this work plays out in the final product. I appreciate the effort to improve facial expressions on “realistic” models in video games as our brains are so good at picking out the smallest flaws there it almost seems like an impossible task. That said I can’t wait until

Ahh.. JGG.. I have lived that one for years no need for green being 6’ 5” w/o shoes seems to be enough.. My favorite was “Do you play basketball?” to which I would reply “No, do you play miniature golf?” Not the best retort but it worked for my teenage self when I had run out of sighs and eye-rolls.

I do most of the laundry in our household and I freely admit I try to minimize how much of my day it consumes. But sorry, I hate women’s clothes we have a long standing agreement if it requires special care it needs to be in it’s own bin/hamper/bag or at least tell me. Throwing your fancy and delicate things in the

I think ripping out the “you have good in you scene” and replacing it with an over confident emperor watching Luke turn the tide on Vader and then let slip just how much he owned Vader just as Luke realizes they both got played and turns on the real ass now that Vader has lost his taste for battle. The remaining would

When my 7 year old HTPC died and Microsoft abandoned WMC in Win10 I decided like any good abuse loving fool to get a XBOne rather than build a new HTPC. My optical drive died as well within two weeks of ownership but thanks to Amazon’s easy return policy I just sent it back and ordered a new one. So far everything has

If she can photosynthesize I would expect her to have more color to at least some of her skin. Even if 100% of her skin surface was converting light to food I suspect it wouldn’t even come close to meeting basic human metabolic needs. Same thing goes for respiration. Just not enough surface area. Though I think if