You revived a six-month old thread to say this? Police are over-reaching here because they got a free armored vehicle? Sheesh.
You revived a six-month old thread to say this? Police are over-reaching here because they got a free armored vehicle? Sheesh.
My mistake, I ran through this article quickly this morning before I had any coffee in the middle of a load test at work. I'd edit/delete the comment if I could.
"It's important to note that pterosaurs were not dinosaurs. As science writer Brian Switek hasnoted, "Calling a pterosaur a dinosaur is an error of the same order of magnitude as saying that our species is a marsupial." Both dinosaurs and pterosaurs have their own unique evolutionary history. "
Because electricity in the US is most often produced via burning coal. MPG is somewhat misleading if you spent the first 12 miles rolling coal from 8 hours worth of 1-2kW/h use. Gasoline is a far more efficient energy transfer mechanism than batteries or even coal itself.
Wow... they're even uglier now. I've gotta say, I must just be 1000% outside their target demographic. Nothing, not one thing appeals to me about this vehicle.
She's implying male nature is to want to rape. Basically an obvious troll who just has interest going around spewing vitriol about men. If someone is going to come out and say something as preposterous as "males need to be taught this, since it's not inherent" - you should know better than to even bother replying.
Sure... but… McD-D is now part of Boeing, and Boeing is way shorter to type. McD-D was the WAY better fighter company.
Oh it's DEFINITELY fast. That was my point... 10's in the quarter are usually the sole provenance of ridiculously fast road cars. Someone hopping into a dragster with that kind of speed and twitchy handling with little experience is legitimately impressive.
I stand corrected
My favorite part of this is having an ally creating a credible competitor to US high-end fighters. US defense contractors arguably have overly inflated their prices. Maybe the USAF will consider this fighter instead of domestically built ones in the future if it ends up being half the cost... Might make Lockheed /…
Because the cops saw him being a jerk. And cops don't like jerks. They love jerks, as that means they can write them all the tickets in the world and never feel bad about a thing.
Yeah... I was wondering if I was the only one not impressed by this in the least. I've had to do faster emergency lane changes in a bus to avoid killing someone (and again... IN A BUS). That car could see that truck coming from literally about 1000ft away.
my favorite part is her trying to damage the tires with it.
Helicopters are expensive. It's unlikely they had one idling on-scene for the event. If the helicopter wasn't already patrolling somewhere nearby, they take a decent amount of time to roll out of their hangar, do pre-flights, and get going. 45 min sounds reasonable all things considered.
along with a good portion of the flesh on that arm.
So... one would guess the purpose of the sign would be to warn drivers to slow down to ice-appropriate speeds before the bridge, yeah?
It has more to do with vector processing and how the memory caching works between the processors. Vectors/Matrices were/are natural fits to RISC chips. The reason the RISC/CISC argument died is because now everyone has a RISC vector processor (actually many) with their GPU's. So, audio/video is best handled by…