
In my experience, when I ran a poll (this was some 6+ years ago though) on a pirate scene forum for an article I was writing, I asked how many people would buy a game if it wasn’t / couldn’t be cracked. Only 14% said they would buy the game if a game wasn’t cracked and it was a game they really wanted. Most said that

Unsurprisingly, Nintendo is responsible for the most brutal anti-piracy measure I’ve heard of. If you played a pirated copy of Earthbound back in the day, the game would massively increase the rate of random encounters, and sometimes throw extremely high level monsters at you much earlier in the game than you could

Love these kind of methods. Could they also make the game take longer to load/save, make save games get really bloated (like multiple gigs of space per save), enemies gain healing and extra armor, or has a game done these?

According to the tracking thread on Reddit, the 512GB model’s USA queue reached the 0:31:44 mark after launch today, after gains of over 3 minutes both today and last Thursday. I ordered mine 4 seconds later, at 0:31:48, so I expect to get an email on Thursday.

I’ve never understood why game companies are so against modders.

Others say that EA is primarily interested in a merger arrangement that would allow Wilson to remain as chief executive of the combined company.”

Hard to dismantle any agency once it gets roots, especially when it has a law enforcement arm.

Except, yeah, it was, dumbass.

Capitulating to terrorists. Cool cool cool.

The thing about TLJ is it’s very much about trying to wipe the slate clean for the third - and future films - by basically suggesting what you think about Star Wars is less then exact. Luke was NEVER super awesome bad ass guy, and if you think he was, well, you’re a terrible fanboy like Kylo-Ren. Like that’s why at

“Objective” lol.

Yeah, TLJ had a lot of ambition that the other two films didn’t, but it was a bit overstuffed.

Found one!

I’d love to see a Rian Johnson movie, or series, or series of movies, unencumbered by the Skywalker Saga and its accompanying baggage and expectations.

Ooh. This makes it sound like Johnson is still slated to return after all. I hope so. I look forward to feeling a great disturbance in the YouTube algorithm, as millions of whiny voices of fanboys will suddenly cry out in terror and will be hilariously silenced.

Weird how cops are so good at bringing in these heavily armed and outfitted white supremacist killers alive but can’t seem to get George Floyd or Eric Garner in the back of a squad car without oopsie doopsie murdering them

What Nonsense are you on about?  Yoshida said "over my dead body" for Blockchain in FF

There’s honestly not much in the way of QoL mods for FFXIV. Timers I guess? But that kind of ruins the tempo the game has. Soken’s music doesn’t just slap for instance, but it’s actually has a tempo to it that runs along with how the fight progresses and in how the players need to be pressing actions, it’s why YoshiP

On the one hand, QOL add-ons should be signals to the dev team that certain functionalities are missing, and the FFXIV dev team seems reasonable enough to consider adding those functionalities. Here’s hoping. On the other, mods that basically hand-hold you through mechanics for speed or max DPS create an expectation