Morgan Folland

What was the money for? Warren F. paid for everything. They never said he was buying equity in the business.

Gene is one note, and that note is flat.

Well, you are wrong, user of naughty language to harass me and make me feel unsafe. Flagged.
South Park doesn't support PC-ness because you agree with one of their points and you consider yourself a pc person. South Park is very un-PC here by putting the blame on both main "victims". The harassment could have been

That isn't what PC is though. PC isn't about respect. It is about taking a position because it is socially acceptable or it is improper to say something else.
The PC position here is about body shaming, while doing and saying things that lead to or are body shaming. Worse, it is okay to shame others when they do

The show supports things that the creators don't do, so I wouldn't say it is limited to complete freedom for themselves.

"South Park" is against PC culture as a whole though. "South Park" as a show supports the notion that people don't have to be PC for any reason, while at the same time being one of the most tolerant shows on television. PC isn't tolerant of intolerance, which is one of the many messages of "South Park."

"Clarence" is just an asshole, like its sexually harassing creator. It isn't funny. Even Gumball, which is also filled with assholes, has its moments.

It didn't do anything. Nothing new happened. It was a reversal of the one with the scouts and the one with the bat mitzvah. Oh, but wait, the boy who like shit was twirling flags. His new interests are almost as funny as Homer's new jobs.
Last week's episode was pretty bad too.

The writing on this show is terrible. Everything is one way until someone has an epiphany and then it is the other. Glasses girl has to save the team she was only on for two minutes because it is so important. The car was shit until it needed to overtake the entire field only to die at the end so that the girl

It was the most realistic episode of the show, aside from the fake court part. Bob and family are dicks. They are not endearing. They are just assholes to everyone else.

It's from season 14. No one who watches the show now watched it then, so it is new to the audience.