You seriously missed the point of this article, this comment is really not as clever as you think it is.
You seriously missed the point of this article, this comment is really not as clever as you think it is.
It was the “pragmatic” drive to the center, the ever rightwards shifting center, which stoked the flames of income-inequality and economic stagnation that led to Trump’s election. The politics of eternal pragmatic pivoting have failed. It is time to move on from that and start setting out political visions again. The…
I’m pretty sure gay men are the best people to write about gay men sex parties. Would you say “Why is it always women writing about women’s issues, I’d really like a man’s perspective.” or “Why is it always black people writing about black issues, we could really use a white perspective.”?
FYI for anyone who wants to say that this bill is not possible: we already know that. This is a step forward not because we think that we will get everything in the bill put into law. This is a step forward because, as a plain and simple matter of negotiation, you never get what you don’t ask for.
To everyone who reflexively complained about Harris’s critics over the past few months: This is why leftist criticism is not only good, but necessary. The more you defend your centrist idols, the longer it will take them to adopt common-sense and wildly popular progressive positions like single-payer. I applaud…
Counter argument: It’s okay to punch Nazis.
The willfully ignorant workers that consistently vote against their own interests will be increasingly marginalized as they are dragged in to the 21st Century.
Alternatively “Why not to alienate portions of the country that are not dense city communities.”
Hi I have a STEM degree and don’t have a job. There’s no magic major that’s going to prevent unemployment.
It’s not a hot take, you merely just fell for what McCain always does, talk about one thing and then vote the other way. It didn’t have to come down to 50/50 if had just stayed his sick ass in treatment, but alas, here we are. If you still believe that McCain opened our partisan floodgates to finally allow “real…
“Helping to make behind closed ovens a thing”
> But the internet told me this game was liberal cuck propaganda designed to desensitize us to violence towards the white race...
Zack is a cool dude. I find it less important that he’s 15 and more important that he’s confident; that’s what makes him so impressive and fun to watch, not that he’s young. Having the confidence to demonstrate your personality despite the haters is awesome to see and leads to entertaining sets whenever he’s involved.
here’s what i do: lots of long weekends in the summer. it really helps to look forward to a bunch of three-day or four-day weekends. and you’re not eating up a bunch of PTO nor do you feel guilty like you HAVE to go somewhere, as it’s only three days.
My vacation time is just endlessly accruing because I don’t have the money to travel anywhere. I’m trapped in a vicious cycle where don’t want to do a staycation because I feel like I’m wasting my paid time off, but then I just never end up using it at all.
AM: Greetings, loneliman. Hello! Tell me now, where is your genital today?
is it just me or does anyone else get this urge to start crying when they hear heaven is a place on earth?
My excuse for everything from now on:
What Kendall is doing is surprisingly savage.
Nice try Beyonce, we know it’s you.