Morgan Creighton

So people with mental illnesses shouldn’t be allowed to go to college. I attempted suicide twice, spent a lot of time in inpatient treatment and was on antidepressants that were adjusted as needed before I started college. There are thousands of teens on antidepressants with a history of self harm that haven’t

So, you’re saying you want to discriminate against people struggling with mental illness, who would like to further their education and pursue a career?

This could literally be a headline from The Onion.

  1. I’m looking for a job with an employer that values their employees and treats them with respect. Can you tell me about an employee that you’ve treated with respect recently? How about one that you’ve disrespected?

My SO tells me fairly often “You’re home all day, why don’t you do some chores when you take breaks?” It really doesn’t click that I’m “at work”, so yeah, I might wash a dish or two if I have a snack, but I like my breaks to be exactly that: a break. A chance to refresh for the coming slog of work.

Now that you mention this, I realize it is one of my greatest challenges. I can handle the distractions, but my spouse will frequently ask me to pick something up or drive a child somewhere. My best solution so far is to schedule specific time for these things and put them on my calendar to prevent overlap. I can only

Until i see an art major take Differential Equations, Cal 1-3 and theory and stats plus linear algebra like all the other STEM subjects do. Art doesn’t belong in STEM, just like any “soft science.” I can’t wait to see what happens if/when Japan goes through what they are pushing. I know we (USA) would never go for

“Bob, sir, are a mouthful.”

Bob Loblaw’s law blog predicts low blow slowing lobo

Let’s take a moment to look at the stunning beauty that is Jeffrey Wells...

He used to play fallout, till he took a Sonata to the knee.

Let’s take some real world examples of this.

MS has stepped up their game in the last decade. They realized it was a nessesity to provide security to enterprise. Not perfect, none are, but doing a good job.

I’d like to know more about their methodology. For one thing, I find that if you replace the word “TV” with “books” a lot of people’s stupid assumptions about content are thrown into sharp contrast. “I don’t read books, or own any books,” isn’t a position to be proud of, just because Harlequin Romances exist.

You win for Best Comeback.

Their feelings get Thor too, they’re just more Loki about it.

Most jobs really don’t require a degree. It’s just some really dumb managers and HR people think it does because they have one so others should too.