Morgan Creighton

Strong armed me into financing due to the "Patriot Act"

Thanks for replying.

Can velcro experts comment... Does the horizontal band on the wall hold better than a vertical one would? My intuition tells me vertical would be "grippier".

[W]hat happened to the person who previously had this job?

It is a toughie, but in a good interview, the flow of information goes both ways.

So, essentially, you'd tell your inquisitive candidate, RTFM.

Why? Specifically, why is it bad to rehearse for an interview?

That's ridiculous.

I agree that a little Googling of the company and it's industry is a "must do" before any interview.

I still call BS. Here's a quote from the article,

I never noticed that OM refers to measuring devices. That's a very nice observation!

No. Adjust your screen to be at the correct height for your chair. Not the other way around.

Uncle Bob wrote a worthwhile book there, but it's worth noting that he and Joel Spolsky got into a bit of a tiff over the SOLID principles as being too process-heavy.

Pretty sure that's a number. :)

Well, there was (sort of) a planet Vulcan in our own star system. Astronomers speculated a "zeroth" planet existed between Mercury and the Sun, whose gravitational tug would explain Mercury's strange orbit. Turns out we just didn't understand gravity as well as we thought we did.

I'm not familiar with that show, but it reminds me that Western culture names for northern constellations are ancient, like Pegasus. While a few names for southern constellations are modern, like Telescopium.

Buy the kid a kid proof step stool and keep the ugly out of your bathroom.
