Morgan Banduzo

He showed up later that episode to assassinate Oliver but the team intervened…

Props to Diggle for trying his hardest to sell the scene with his son. That kid looked like he was being dragged to the dentist, instead of seeing his father for the first time in a while.

Sansa gave Brienne that letter as she was leaving. The covert letter is to Littlefinger.

Does that only affect earth 1. Because that would be interesting to have Harry come back over from earth 2 to see all the changes and help Barry solve it.

I don't care how far we get with technology in the future. No human is getting that close to the sun without burning alive.

I think we can all agree that the writing and general story line of this season has been horrible. They need to go back to season 1 and 2 and realize why everyone watched. Having a world wide threat of nuclear proportions with no retaliation from the government is ridiculous. Leaving access to the codes in an agent is

Killing Felicity, making Oliver go dark again, but having Laurel there to keep him from going completely overboard with the two eventually getting back together but as a power couple and not some melodrama every five minutes. Then throw Curtis in there as the new tech guy would have been a better route.

Also why is this reviewer so keen on Thea taking over Arrow?

I wonder if Zoom knows the world he wants to rule is scheduled to become a nuclear wasteland.

I don't like how they shoehorned in those funeral scenes from the beginning. (I think foreshadowing a death for the sake of just having a death is a poor writing choice) It didn't fit the tone at all. Laurel wants us all to be heroes and not lose ourselves….

Patty Spivot: 3 majors, and becomes a police officer.
Jesse Quick: 5 majors.

Felicity should have been the death. You get angry Oliver and Curtis to replace her. It lined up perfectly.

13 people carrying machine guns versus 2 people with machine guns, one man on his knees and one man in the bush.

She went on a supply run with Dr. Dre.

I don't get why people are hating on this show. The mystery of Zoom has been great and has lead to lots of fan discussions and theories. I never expected Jay (until last week obviously) and it's still got a few mysteries left to solve (multiple jays). If Zoom was earth 2 Barry or Joe everyone would have complained how

"I just want there to be a point behind the misery and death and seemingly endless stream of gore."