Morgana's Bust

My wife works for an insurance company and one thing that seems to crop up a lot is people thinking that their insurance will go up if their insurance company “finds out” about an accident. This makes them file 3rd party, which makes everything take longer. A) Your insurance company will certainly find out. B) If

Wait, you don’t understand the rule, but you think it should be abolished?

Thanks for your input, fuckface. Ever wonder why people in your office avoid you like the plague?

Your tears are delicious

That replay is in NO way conclusive! We can’t even see the rubber!

I like Reynolds overall, but he does talk out of his ass sometimes.

I was on Jeopardy about 10 years ago. He’s short and too tan and wears sleeveless shirts to eat lunch. Real fucking jabroni.

Why? It’s not like Theil’s moved on from being any of the things that made him a rightful target of criticism in the first place.

Sure, it seems like a great idea now but just wait until Mets ownership finds out about it and starts asking Mazeika if what he’s doing is appropriate and also if they maybe could borrow fifty bucks until the postseason checks clear.

I ALMOST feel bad for him. But then I remember everything else about him.

Remember that 5 minute window back in 2000 when John McCain was regarded as a refreshing change of pace Republican, a straight shooter who even democrats could respect?

His punishment will almost certainly be a lifetime ban from Blue Jays games. Or, if he has a really good lawyer, he’ll get a lifetime ban from Blue Jays and Leafs games.

Immediately when I scrolled down to this picture, burst out with laughter

It’s funny that he couldn’t even remember where his bone spurs were. It’s also curious that his medical deferment came just after running out of college-based deferments (where former classmates had apparently described him as a ‘star athlete’), and after a two year-prior army medical had found him fully fit for the

“That’s why we play the music that we play.” Not all hip-hop presents violent imagery, but this is definitely coded language.

Is there anything else that is so great to watch in the comfort of your home that is also so awful to see in person as NFL football? Maybe porn?

I get so sick of this old left wing talking point. The so called “chicken hawks” all had valid reasons for why they did not have the privilege of serving their country in Vietnam:

They drafted women in the 60's???