
I've been looking, but I have yet to find a website or newsletter.

Best season of The Apprentice yet.

I used to wish my face would clear up, and it did, but not in time for high school.

Not to mention the money his employer already spent on payouts to the women he harassed.

Yeah, but Don was a square at heart. He would have stuck with his booze, broads and cigarettes.

In that case, throw in some Bad Lieutenant.

It looks like the boobs belong to the dress, not her.

Yeah, that dress has boobs or something.

At first, I thought Hannah was a brilliant character created by a clever actress. I enjoyed simultaneously laughing and cringing at her antics. Then, the more I learned more about Lena Dunham… the more my laughter became tinged with repulsion.

The circle of life…

Excuse me, I have to take a Trump

The ultimate insult will be, "Don't be such a trump".

Sniffing, unstable behavior and poor posture are symptoms of oxygen deficiency.

Actually, that sniffing is a symptom of oxygen deficiency. Wouldn't he cut the dashing figure dragging around an oxygen tank?

There's always the U.S. Army Chorus.

Oh no, has the entirety of Broadway been painted with that brush?

Oops, guess I did.

Check out his rendition of Joey, Joey, Joey on Youtube and tell me what you think.

They will. That's just the way time works.

I would call that progress.