Thank you, Dodai. Gah, that scene with Jessica was the most cringe worthy, ridiculous shit. "I can be a hooker if you want..teehee?" "OMG you are such an amazing woman!!!!!!" (paraphrasing..)
Thank you, Dodai. Gah, that scene with Jessica was the most cringe worthy, ridiculous shit. "I can be a hooker if you want..teehee?" "OMG you are such an amazing woman!!!!!!" (paraphrasing..)
Thank you, that bothered me too.
True dat. She is a terrible actress.
NO!!! Poor Andy Whitfield, what a gorgeous man...
Yuppers. I'm not taking anything for it except medical marijuana at the moment, which has done wonders for my insomnia. I went through a while of trying different drugs(including Cymbalta and Neurontin,) PT, massage, chiro, tons of tests, etc. but right now don't have the money or energy to try a new treatment, so I…
Doesn't necessarily deviate, but funny nonetheless. My dog Eby (pronounced ebby): Ebony, Eberina, Eberino, Ebakanezer, Ebanezer...
Happy Birthday!! Hope you can treat yourself to something nice tonight.
If you don't want to work hard, Sally Kern, then by all means...go home.
Right on. People tend to prefer strict categories, and ignore any other possibilities.
I agree. But I also think making assumptions about women with more guy than girl friends, especially along the lines of "desperate" and "attention seeking," contributes to the same harmful gendered script that encourages separation and competitiveness between women.
Kit Harington- The face of emo. No wonder he's so perfect for the role.
Seriously, medically accurate wording would refer to a fetus as a "not yet fully formed parasite."
"...ragging on women like me for being sketchy or wanting male attention or having issues with women just perpetutates the problem."
So, I want to begin learning Spanish on my own. Any suggestions for how to start out? Materials/methods?
Right on. Do you read Cooks Illustrated? That mag is the master of never surrendering, for example: they seem to make at least 50 batches of everything to find the "perfect crumb." I love it for their recipes, but it's also entertaining just reading it in all it's serious bakery pretension.
Thank YOU. Has this guy ever tried to bake a top-notch New York cheesecake? That shit is fucking difficult.
This is why, as a butcher, I let the male employees give the recipe advice. There aren't many good ways to bake a steak, but I once I find a way, I will liberate women meat-eaters forever! No longer will we have to rely on men to cook our meat!
Thank you, and hearted, because judging from other posts we seem to agree on many things.
It's funny, I think it may just be an acquired taste. My mom always liked black licorice, and we had it since I was little, so it never seemed gross to me.
Interesting, interesting. I definitely would choose other chocolate candy over M&Ms, but I'm such a chocolate fiend that chocolate will almost always trump non-chocolate, in my mind. See, I just used the word chocolate (probably unnecessarily) four times in one sentence!