That's like a bitter Clinton supporter voting McCain in 2008!! Don't be one of those!
That's like a bitter Clinton supporter voting McCain in 2008!! Don't be one of those!
Also, this. I mean, come on.
Don't leave him out in the cold!
Never mind that college-age women are at the highest risk of both domestic abuse and assault. At my university, 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted during their time at this school. And that's only the reported cases.
Unfortunately, they do individually benefit...the media LOVES when women write anti-women garble. Their articles get way more attention in mainstream press (and thus more money) than feminist research articles. In other words, there is much demand for this crap. That in itself says something very masochistic and…
If the word "uterus" is too profane for republicans to hear, I propose this bipartisan substitute: "the reproductive enclosure of parasitic organisms that could one day be president."
Have you no shame?
I don't know, but I hate Sea World. These awesome creatures are meant to be in large pods exercising the most incredible hunting skills against a variety of prey. They are incredibly smart, and they're built to kill- even animals larger than themselves. They don't belong in a fucking pool.
But they won't even attempt to reduce the's so disgusting, calling each other 'bitch' and 'pussy' (which aren't bleeped out while other curse words are), miming sexual assault on the women players, forcing them to strip and do other humiliating things in front of a cheering audience. Vomit.
Sounds like this film could use the Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment, if someone were still inclined to watch it. I know i did that with Burlesque, it was the only thing that made it bearable.
Your comment is spot on. I was just talking about this idea to a friend recently- specifically about how when I was young and playing make believe or making stories up in my head, I would tend to picture myself in at least somewhat traditional gendered rolls. I would get frustrated because even in my fantasies, men…
This is so wrong. Yes, she is entitled to her feelings, but seriously? Sharing publicly that she wouldn't mind if she lost her daughter and wants another one so she can start over? Yeah, these are definitely the kinds of things that will fuck your child up emotionally for life.
Those shoes are miiiiinne, betch!
You rock.
While I agree that religious fundamentalists are toxic, I think to interpret these tweets as having a religious agenda is ridiculous. They are simply expressing their well-wishes from what I can tell, not trying to push an agenda. And prayer does not automatically equal Christianity. Also, just because these people…
I Love Myself Today by Bif Naked
I grew up with one of the movie versions, and always enjoyed it. But even aside from his emotional abuse and creepiness to Jane, the story of him and his wife is extremely racist and troubling, and I don't feel like I can enjoy it anymore. Bertha is part creole from Jamaica, and she represents this immorality and…
Exactly what I was going to say.
Thank you, this piece is exactly what I thought of.