@Morwynn: Now these are better looking AND are really useful!
@Morwynn: Now these are better looking AND are really useful!
@Fridge Hussy: A Hussy Re: Fridges!: One of my favorite skits of all time. OF ALL TIME.
@LaComtesse: But men are the ones who are paying for it, and usually women are the ones paying for birth control, which isn't covered.
@LeRollingStoner: Um, all I've ever read on Jezebel is what a rabid douchebag Charlie Sheen is and how his coverage in the mainstream media is disgustingly sympathetic.
@CandyBacon: I'm so happy that I guessed it without knowing! She looks smoldering in it.
I'm taking some really depressing classes this semester- two are on sexual violence against women. Even though I've studied this stuff before, it's been really getting to me recently. I've been having some pretty low lows, affecting how I interact with people. Last night I had a terrible nightmare involving rape. I…
@thegoddesscher: Forcible rape is rape by physical force. So yes, it implies physical violence, thus rape by coercion wouldn't "count."
@stoprobbers: I'll just respond to part of this since I stand by what I and others have said here, and what you can clearly read in his essay: complaining about being pressured to apologize for his privilege (which he is not) and waiting for others to educate him rather than striving to educate himself on other…
@stoprobbers: But his ignorance is in thinking that because he does not personally oppress people of a different gender or race, he is not benefiting from oppression. What most people here have critiqued him on is not his experience, but his ignorance about acknowledging his privilege. He states that he feels…
"I don't think that I, personally and knowingly, had done anything to this woman that I should be sorry for."
@resplendent.bitch: HEARTED.
@Drama Unicorn: Agreed, I also grew up in Alaska, and it is very important to note the effects of alcohol and drugs on Native communities which contributes to sexual violence. It can't be overstressed.
@cool_as_KimDeal: That was TOTALLY a part of my middle school "sex ed." I am completely serious.
@LindyLou: You haven't been to my hometown. But then, our Pizza Hut was also an underground meth lab, so...
@greenergrass: You didn't know that they are infamous for inspiring extramarital affairs?
Well at least I moved on from suicide to cocaine use.
@rellaa: Ugh thats the guy I'm sort of involved with now. He also likes Kirsten Dunst. Should I just get out now? :P
HA. I don't know any women techs who DON'T enjoy porn.
She's fucking awesome and so gorgeous, I wish she would do more films out of her usual. Sorry to say, as I am a fan of Tim Burton's older stuff, but her talent is wasted on his more recent (and terribly mediocre) work.