I am sort of seeing two guys and I want both of them, but I know I have to give one up and commit to the other. Terrible feeling.
I am sort of seeing two guys and I want both of them, but I know I have to give one up and commit to the other. Terrible feeling.
this is new? My family has always done this with pie crust scraps.
watching Xena. So much eye candy, so much endearingly bad acting, I almost can't handle it. iiieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
@sweetbeans: ditto. I was pretty little when I first saw it, but even so that character inspired naughty feelings...haha
@OnlySlightyTrampy: HOLY SHIT he narrates those books???!! I fucking love you, I loved those books so much when I was younger. Library, here I come.
I'll watch anything with Tim Curry in it. Currently watching The Color of Magic on Netflix on demand. I want to have sex with his voice. Also, probably the reason I usually preferred evil characters when I was younger.
"though it's a bit hard for me to wrap my head around that given that the most exposing act—pulling the scraps of shirt away from Bonds, leaving her topless—was perpetrated by a woman."
@Donovanesque: you rock, seriously.
@KiloTangoBravo: only reason i watch that show.
@divinelioness: seriously, id watch that bad movie again just to see the sex scenes
@AnnieGetYourFun: like mother, like daughter. HEARTED.
@eatsshootsleaves: parents would foot the bill: dowry
This blatant disregard for Tom Hardy's awesome hotness is disturbing.
what is the obsession with Joseph Gordon-Levitt on here?! He looks like a little boy, come on.
@LAmonkeygirl: goigeous
I would like Tom Hardy's lips, Ian Somerhalder's eyes, and Alexander Skarsgard's body, wrapped up in one nice package, thank you very much.
if you could even accomplish killing him without dying first yourself, then you would have been jailed for the rest of your life, leaving your kids to what? The way battered women who fight back against their abusers are treated by the criminal legal system is atrocious in this country, you should research it.
@Queen_of_Bitternia: mmmmhm
@MercurialGirl: hearted.