@KLondike5: have you read Bonk by Mary Roach? because thats where i heard this too, and its full of other great sex info!
@KLondike5: have you read Bonk by Mary Roach? because thats where i heard this too, and its full of other great sex info!
@all: Last thing I have to say on the subject: Despite the back story, the intent, the desire/power of Lorena and so forth, representation MATTERS. I would think people who read jezebel would understand this, considering this blog focuses mostly on representation of women in the media. Representing violence against…
@sensitivitycop: agreed, from someone who fell in love with vampires because of Anne Rice
Wow, really disgusted with these "oh no, it was Lorena who raped Bill" comments. She didnt command him, he was crazy with rage and forced himself on her. Oh, I know she sad "i still love you" blah blah blah, but forcefully fucking her while twisting her head around? Really? I am sick of TV shows showing shit like this…
@Ninja Robot Pirate: haha spot on. I absolutely hate holding hands, ever. Mostly because of those couples who take up the whole sidewalk and you cant pass them.
Cake will forever be better than pie in general. Cheesecake is most definitely a CAKE in my mind, and while I hate to see pies win over cakes, i have to support one of the most difficult-yet-satisfying-to-master, orgasm-inducing-to-eat desserts. Also, its a disgrace that red velvet is representing team cake, when it…
german chocolate cake is way better than red velvet, but seriously? I have switched my allegiance to team pie, which I never anticipated. Cheesecake (i still think its a cake, tho) is amazingly decadent. Apple pie can suck it.
@Peppermint: haha for me it used to be "leave him for me, Amanda"
While i think there are certain valid points for the first two, the last one? Are you kidding me? While Hole will always have a special place in my heart, along with Love's earlier days of "i dont give a fuck," her derangement over her daughter is ridiculous. The difference between L and P's their "outrageousness" is…
Alright, lovelies. Carrot Cake (yes, capitalized) is amazing- the texture, the deadly decadent cream cheese frosting...If you vote for icecream cake you might as well be voting for a $2 bucket of Breyers over a work of art. Ice cream cake is the cheap sell out of cakes, comparable to cheeze whiz, hot dogs, and white…