
They really weren't that different to other groups at the time. The Irish/ Welsh/ Scots princes and their peoples were much the same except they had writing. But they were all very violent, feuding, vengeance focused.
Raiding was just a fact of life.People changed alliances constantly and raided each other.

I have already analysed why Hirst has made bad decisions over the aftermath of Ragmar's death.

"abhorrent slavers and pirates"

A pathetic and tacky ending to a poor series of episodes since Ragnar died.

I think you have analysed Ecbert's strategy. He gives a way territory to the Vikings, but has abdicated. His son / kindred …. Alfred …now has perfect legal justification to expel the Vikings when they can.

"And your point is ?"
I'm tempted not to bother to reply because that is a rude and silly way to ask for an explanation of something you don't understand.

Problem is the historic Ivar although plenty of evidence he was real - is very unclear what his name Boneless means. Possibly a cripple, possibly impotent (the show goes for both).
But some heroic nicknames were opposite. Little John in Robin Hood was a big man. So Ivar the Boneless might have been extremely potent,

Mark you have me wrong. I genuinely liked Joanna's idea.

I think you explained what he did in the lost years very well!

Guerilla tactics can only be used by natives who know the terrain thoroughly. They need to know where exactly the land changes, where swamps are, which forest patches can be penetrated and which not, and lots and lots of other detail.

I too found it abrupt that Aethelwulf has suddenly switched from his anger at Judith for her infidelity, and Ecberth forcing him to father her bastard.
Methinks there's a deleted scene somewhere which shows how Aethelwulf came to terms with it. Even if it was just time, and Alfred is rising 10 now so that could be it,

They are good but recently they have become less good. They are muddled as to what is going on and too much cheap tricks like the fireworks this time.
Recall Paris and compare.

I don't mind the triads - brings back my hippie youth.
(Strictly speaking a triad is a three all together or at least consenting. A triangle is without consent, unfaithfulness.)

Ragnar refused to acknowledge Magnus as his child. (I'm not clear if he was - in terms of the show).

Oh dear even forewarned b all lthis here it was far more boring than I expected.
For one guerrila warfare is a resistance mode used by the NATIVE peple because they know their land. It's not an invasion tactic.
Kattegat doesn't even deserve a mention.

They've played hot with timelines all along.
Vikings had raided Britain long before Ragnar for example.
Various people did not live at the same time.
I don't mind as long as they show a believable society (yes mostly) with power drama (yes biut not now) and some depth characters (some, notably Floki, but nowadays shallow

I think when Bjorn announced last episode that they were now going to go and get revenge, it was made clear they'd been preparing for three years.

It occurs to me there's a list of tickboxes.
The 8 *asterisk ones are compulsory per episode. Add choice of 2 of the other 4 options.

Haven't seen it yet as it arrives on amazon UK in a few hours time BUT it sounds a stunning bore.

Brilliant idea - bet the producers will kick themselves when they hear about this one.