
It occurs to me that if there s a gay story it would be much better attached to Floki. He s a shamanic character, and they were often bisexual because they understood about spiritual balance. Also he was not sexually narrow in other ways, like with Helga.

They seem to be making the mistake bigtime that throwing sex in,makes an audience happy. It doesn't, because we are all used to it. If someone wants porn it's easily available onlone allover the place. So a drama has to - be a drama.

Great idea. I thought at the time that was too hastily skimmed.
I think it was because at first t was meant to be a one season show,just about Ragnar's voyages West.
Would be lovely to see Ragnar young and sparky again - and Lagertha - and also how they got together with Floki - how they met the Wanderer who told them

They have a number of sex scenes with this show, but we've never seen Lagertha/Astrid have one,

Ragnar had to die as he did because that is established as his legend.

Absolutely agree - too many sex scenes - no big battle - and a limited revenge on Aelle just being dragged behind Ivar''s chariotis nothing compared to Ragnar's treatment.

I'm not a battle fan - they all look very similar to me and I use the time to get a drink or something. But in this case I agree with you. Silly to have had big battle scenes about much less important events.
I would especially have liked to see Ivar in action.

Nice analysis @sigrid28:disqus and I hadn't heard of the long term political revenge theory.
But there's no need to go to the descendants of the Norse, centuries later to find revenge literature.

They seem to think that an ensemble merry go round so we can choose who we like to attach to, is enough. But with so many subplots we don't get enough attachment to anyone.
Who would we mourn if they died? Loki definitely. Lagertha. Maybe Rollo - because they have been with us a long time.
There are a few I quite like:

Sloppy episode. The main point was the revenge for Ragnar.
It was fair enough to show the brothers jostling for leadership. But what about all the other jarls? How did the brothers persuade them to come together? That would be central. Instead we get a sideplot about a pretty but insipid Danish princes. What deals

I agree (as a feminist historian) that the Norse had a pretty good society for women.
But it wasn't a time of complete male dominance. Celtic societies also had high standing for women with divorce, property owning, crafts and professions, advisers/counsellors to kings and lords.

Felt damn sorry for the bear.
With modern awareness of these big mammals dying out they need to work a bit harder to get inside the mindset of them being a simple threat.

I just watched a second time and yes Ivar is totally unrealistic. If his legs are deadened as they seem to be, then he wouldn't be able to use them to brace and pivot in a sitting position. So fighting from a sitting position as he did was impossible.

Yes - of course if she's going to get it on with a bloke she needs to wear a skirt and look like a lady.

No I think Rollo's offer of good farming land will come up later on.
Plus his children growing up might come in later.
He's too good a character to dump anyway. Plus the Franksh 'feisty princess' (yuk).

The arrival of Bjorn was laughably unrealistic. That he would crash to doors open just as Ivar and Ubbe were confronting Lagertha could work – if planned. As a coincidence? Get away.

Speaking as an expert ritualist from 30 years experience, the series is good at formal ceremony, both Viking and Christian. This show up especially at the Uppsala 'Sacrifice' episode early on.
It's far less convincing elsewhere although some early glimpses of Odin are good.

@DennisPerkins "Vikings continues to present Vikings as simply… other."

You're confusing the late Middle Ages with the earlier period when women were pretty much equals to men.

I mostly like DennisPerkins reviews - I don't only come here for the comments which are so good. But oh dear yet more of the alien alien alien stuff. Dennis you had a long period between the two series to do some reading and you even have a wife who knows Viking culture to help you!