
Brilliant. Thank you.

YES. So much YES in your comment: "And at times, that's lead to questions in his reviews that are answered in the show, which leads me to believe that he's really not watching it that closely."

I think I'm in love with you for your comment.

The fact that there are screens and screens of Grimm talk in the middle of Constantine discussion just pisses me off. It's RUDE.
Thank you for your understanding.

The CW has the most varied racial mix of any network (cable or otherwise) out there. Nearly every show has interracial couples (many have more than one), and the casting feels more "BBC" than US of A.

BOOYAH. He's a hottie. Thanks for this comment.

Thank you for this. Agreed and agreed. It irked me terribly to read in the review that the feather was "stolen" and how that was a bad thing.

And, to slam it into your head further, it was repeatedly stated that the preacher had Good Intentions. And you know what the road to hell is paved with…

I can't take a reviewer seriously if they miss a crucial bit of information: Imogen GAVE that feather to the preacher. He didn't just rip it out without her permission. This was explained in the episode.

I NEVER completely trust the grades on AV Club. Half the reviewers just write a lot of hate about the shows they're covering. I can't tell you how freakin' irritating that is.

There's nothing elegant about the character of Constantine… and I like that. The episode was as much of a mess as Constantine himself is, and that works for me.

Jada Pinkett Smith.
That has entirely ruined Gotham for me. I could have held my suspension of disbelief, but her "acting" is so grotesque that I can't EVEN…

I think you misspelled "bathos."

And Lost… let's not forget Lost.
(Boone, you were too pretty to die.)

I was going to write up a big, long review myself, but I don't think I could have done better than you.

Just because the True Blood reviews were full of hate-watch doesn't mean it gives a pass to bash Constantine in the same manner. If anything, I should think the True Blood reviews (and comments) would be a cautionary tale against reviewing something that you think sucks.

People tell me that people have done worse in previous seasons, but I didn't really get interested in watching again until I heard news of Carol's badassery in episode 1.

Ultimately it shows her humanity—that in spite of Bob's death, she doesn't want to burn down the world. Tyrese brought her back to herself. In case you missed the really, really insane axe destruction of a pew in the church, Sasha was indeed ready to see the world burn. The "New Bob" played on her re-found emotions,

I admit: I wanted to punch Gabriel in the face and then shove him into the walker.

EVERYBODY makes dumb decisions. That the characters in TWD make them all the time is just a sign of the human condition. I don't know anybody whose life is perfect. I don't know anyone who doesn't make really fucking stupid decisions all the time. (And no, it isn't a symptom of the people I hang out with. I know a lot