
I don't know what show you've been watching, but none of the show bashing in the review was terribly necessary. There's a reason this show is #1, and if you think it's because it sucks, then you ought to do reviews on another show.

Who cares as long as he's sexy doing it?

True dat.

That is the best thing I've seen on the web today (except for the baby marmoset). Congratulations sir/ma'am/other! Too funny.

Better than what some women did: bleed into their skirts without "pads."

Daryl's hair has gotten really long compared to where it started. (Ditto Glenn, Carl, Rick.) I generally think of Daryl as likely having some Native American blood which may keep him from having the beard problem. (The actor, according to IMDB, is Italian, Irish, English, & Scottish—EXTREMELY close to my mutt mix. I

Thank you. I thought I was the only one thinking that. "Dude. IT HAS ZOMBIE BRAINS ON IT. GROSS!"

See my note about her OCD, above. I think it's really relevant to what's going on and why.

And people forget that Dawn is OCD. (I happen to be OCD, so that fact jumped out at me. Also, it was stated in the Beth episode in case people missed it.) Her world MUST make sense—to her. "Everything has a place and everything in it's place," the chef I worked for used to say (mise en place).

Fish Mooney exists because Jada Pinkett-Smith needs something to do. And she's miserable at it. Every time she comes on screen, the entire show grinds to a halt for me. Her overacting is so arch and so drawn out that I seriously start looking around the room for something else to do while she's talking.

Thank you for making me look up the word octothorpe. (Bastard.)

Or maybe I've been watching too much Walking Dead.

I agree on that! How is there so much food……….. ? :)

I really think it's probably about making the gene pool stronger. If the Mountain Men can breed radiation resistance into their lines, they can venture forth in a generation and beat the crap out of the Grounders/Outsiders.


Wouldn't happen. You know how meticulous the Termites are. They'd inspect the meat before eating it. A walker bite would be noticed.

You're assuming that Bob was indeed infected. They telegraphed it, but did it happen? It may be one of those things where they lead comic fans down the Yellow Brick Road only to find that the Wizard is a sham—and they may introduce the walker-bitten-food-person in another way. (Or not at all.)

I disagree. I think the headbash is to make the captive that much more docile so there's no struggle. Sure, they're zip-tied, but if you're conscious, you're going to struggle against having your throat slit. If you've just been bashed in the head, you can't struggle.

I haven't read the comments yet. The "hatch" (Hello, Lost!) is a rusted red cellar door, kind of like the one Junior stuffed his dead girlfriend in (when she wasn't quite so dead). (Cellar door… cellar door… Sorry, got sidetracked by one of my favorite movies.) So this red door is actually shown in the "art room"

eh, at this point you can make up anything, and it'd make sense in the context of True Blood. "Aliens did it."