
Yeah I went straight to the video and only noticed at the end it was from Canada. I think being black would have still meant they lived.

I think this quote from Fight Club applies a bit to their mentality:

That money vs people line crystallized everything

We’re in the real world now, time to stop being polite and start getting real...

Always reminds me of this....

And all of this occurs inside a child’s snow globe...

The pounds per square inch on their little hands is incredible.

Yeah if you head to Ireland expect a lot of pubs to be closed (unless its attached to a hotel/restaurant) on Good Friday (locals would check in to hotels to be able to drink in a pub).

Seriously, get Katie Couric in there to sort this shit out like she did with Palin.

Looking at those pics together its even more obvious. It wasnt the suit, but the way he contrasted against it. Their racist little minds just couldnt take it.

Yeah good point. Showing my age on this one.

Hope the cops put that call on hold too so they can track it if possible. You know these fools wont think of hanging up.

Also Christof

History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes,”

Love the use of vainglorious. Needs to be used more often.

Now playing

Not totally on par, but I’m often reminded of this sketch:

And nothing of value was lost.

They want to conserve power for old white men. Their fight is to maintain the status quo. They are the immovable object, while progressives are the irresistible force, IMO.

Or the Night King comes after Dolores. Westerosworld and all that....

a ‘safe-space’ if you will....