Cars is an unofficial sequel to Maximum Overdrive and all the cars murdered the humans.
Cars is an unofficial sequel to Maximum Overdrive and all the cars murdered the humans.
Man, all respect to the voice actors, but it’s so close to the MCU aesthetic that them NOT being Chris Evans/Hemsworth, RDJ, etc throws me off. Doesn’t help that the characters themselves look like the Marvel’s Avengers On Ice versions, or that Cap apparently thinks he’s in a Call of Duty game, based on his outfit.…
A lot of press for a comedy special is still no press at all to most of the world. A couple of weeks of buzz and think pieces read by people who follow comedy and wide ranging entertainment is still not a huge thing. Chvrches is a huge band if you pay read certain websites, yet most of the world has never heard them.…
Yeah, Freddy Mercury’s real teeth were totally normal-looking:
So you are pro-cameras-in-public-restrooms or am I missing your point?
It takes a village of idiots to build a pathetically symbolic 1/2 mile of wall for a 1954 mile long border in rough terrain without a building permit.
Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.
Game of Thrones fans! Did you love it when that guy’s head exploded? And remember how dark it was when we burned that child? WELL HAVE WE GOT A SHOW FOR YOU!
You probably haven’t had to do longhand math in years, but you do mental math every day. Or maybe you google math…
So I should probably hold off on that friend request, huh?
I was extremely excited... until they said it was multiplayer and a live service game. Then my interest in the game completely tanked. I wanted Spider-Man, but featuring the Avengers. Not “The Avengers, but played by my dumbass friends who won’t stop making fart noises and Stan Lee quotes during a serious cutscene.”
Beats the totally apolitical ones, which boil down to "authority good."
OK I’m rooting for the seagull now. Seagull is obviously a scholar of maritime law, and embraces the common law doctrine of finders keepers losers weepers.
seriously....this seagull deserves the lobster roll more than her
Lesson learned. Stop taking pictures of your fucking food. Just eat it.
Seeing lots of “I’m a Yankees fan, but...” and “I hate the Red Sox, but...” on the internet tonight. Cool, man, you don’t want the human beings who arbitrarily wind up playing for teams in a different geographic location than you to literally die. Awesome, that’s very noble.
This wasn’t no robbery.
The next game from Dishonored and Prey developers Arkane is Deathloop, and was just announced at Bethesda’s E3 press…