Jezebel: Tough, Dry Ham

Spanberger is exactly correct.

The second bitter screed of the day, attacking a white woman who is by every possible measure, the type of ally that Jezebel demands to have.

Do you think erasing a characteristic about a person’s identity that is potentially quite important to them makes them more, or less likely to listen to you?

Why do you think people don’t care how they are addressed?

Is gender an important part of how people feel about their identity?

It’s dismissive because it says “I can’t be bothered to call you what you want to be called, I will call you what I want to call you.”

The hysterical policing of another woman’s hair choices is a good exemplar of why no one takes progressives seriously.

There is nothing that Jezebel hates more than the wrong kind of woman.

This entire article sounds like the fever-dream of a Shining Path guerilla, living in the jungle in the mid-1960's. It has no connection to reality.

“In the version he debuted to lawmakers on Tuesday, the slides showed circles placed next to each other representing different potential immigration reforms and flags denoting “peer nations” that have adopted merit-based immigration systems such as Canada, Australia and Japan, according to two Republicans who have

Another garbage take.

Your own parents are probably telling you that because they are desperately trying to educate you about how life works, and how the free enterprise system works, otherwise known as the greatest wealth generation machine the world has ever known. You know, the thing that has made the society you live in possible.

Why shouldn’t it be allowed, other than the fact that you think that you deserve other people’s money?

I don’t blame him for responding that way. It is a very stupid question (actually, not even question, just grandstanding ...).

If you are a serf, then it’s by choice. It’s a free society.

Basically, you want other people’s money. And you want to use extra-judicial, state terror to accomplish that goal. At least you are honest about what you want.

Yeah, this is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. As we discovered the last time around, the rich live very differently than thee and me. (Vote warren/castro if you want this to change in any significant degree.)

Another winning proposal from the depths of socialist stupidity.

Your little socialist temper tantrum is irrelevant.