More Silver Than Grey
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The TSA is safety theater, and nothing more.

Joey Logano has that same very punchable looking face that Doug DeMuro has.

She’s not even there...I’m Canadian and I don’t really see her mentioned all that much and I’m a CBC maniac.

Can you just go away? Thanks, love.

What I wouldn’t give to see our boy Lindsey Graham dressed up in Aunt Pitty garb. He could totally pull it off, bless his heart.

Dumb indeed, on a few levels. Those good ‘ol boys could have had a good time with ‘ol Daisy Duke based on her enthusiastic answer to “do you smoke?” (the old expression ‘if she smokes, she pokes’ comes to mind). Instead, they give her a carbon shower and laugh about it as they leave her by the side of the road. I

He just wants to know if Gauthier has a brother.

Sad part is, she is not. I mean sure she’s the one you would have a one night stand with, but not the one you ask to be your wife.

She’s not even in this picture or mentioned at all in this article.

You’re the first one to mention her in this thread.

Someone posted elsewhere that she was dressing for the job she wanted: Widow

But that isn’t even attractive. $51k should look better than a pile of synthetic and shitty looking flowers. I swear to god my Great Auntie May had that exact thing draped across her toilet cistern with a doll in a crocheted dress cleverly disguising the spare roll of tp.

I understand your sentiments.

I not convinced that Melania’s smile is about getting some personal space. This feels different. I get the impression that it is something more petty like thinking she is the hottest one in the group.

There is a twitter account now called whitehousewardrobe, featuring Melania’s awesome style.

Somewhere, Lindsey Graham is passing out thinking of what could have been, had he made just a few different choices.

“Times are so tough nowadays” bray the Trumpies, as they tow the boat they couldn’t afford behind the gigantic truck they didn’t need and park it in front of the house they opted to buy in the town that was built entirely around the one industry that’s obsolete now. “Pop-Pop raised twelve kids on his salary at the ol’

She spent 51k on this coat recently:

New federal regs actively encouraging rolling coal in 3, 2, ....

99 percent chance this is in like Indiana, not the South. See those shaven heads? We don’t roll like that down here. I saw more racist and redneck crap in 9 months in Indiana then I have in the 38 other years on this planet spent in the South.