More Silver Than Grey


This just in: Oprah is the worst.


Ummmmmmm... Engines aren’t “changed” every time a car hops.


It no longer works this way.

It no longer works this way.

“Lowest common denominator” isn’t a compliment.

“Lowest common denominator” isn’t a compliment.

Buy this.

I have the weirdest boner.


Meh, sad sack making poor financial decisions isn’t cotd of any day, imho.

Jesus, dude.

You went on Fox of your own free will. Twice. Karma’s a bitch.

Yeah, he’s not going to quit.

I have purple heart plates. When I get pulled over I get out of the car so they can see both my legs were amputated above the knee. I then ask them “what the hell do you want?”

Socialist typing detected.

Being poor doesn’t confer moral superiority.

It’s you.

You mean “grain silos”.

I’ll do it for free.