More Silver Than Grey


Not necessarily.


Porn has dialogue?

Get out of the way.


Drop bears.

He’s a gay Jewish dude.

The fact that you guessed hetero is so cute.

Then don’t.


Laying on the horn while you mash the brakes is the preferred method, actually.

Laying on the horn while you mash the brakes is the preferred method, actually.

Sorry, Howard Stern is scum.

“I’d love for him to be sued into oblivion or else forced to recant on air to his base of idiot fanboys, most of whom are completely worthless fuckboys whose sole use to humanity would be as cannon fodder in a land war in Asia.”

Dancing gets you laid, son.

I really can’t imagine having a daily driver that I expect to leave me stranded on the side of the road.

Lena’s character was problematic, but fsr less so thsn Lena in real life.

My wife can’t cut me off, she doesn’t know where I’m getting it.

No car is “reliable” until you can drive cross-country with no more prep than a lube/oil/filter.