
When I was 15 I used to think stuff like this was funny, until a buddy of mine warned me that he didn’t. I thought it would be funny to keep doing it. He decked me.
I deserved it. I stopped.

Please give your SIL a high five for me and tell her random internet people support her standing up for her daughter. We’re so conditioned as women to not make a scene when men are inappropriate but that is exactly what needs to happen so they can respect damn boundaries. Seriously, she rocks.

My mother doesn’t touch any of her great grandchildren unless they approach her first. She says “what little kid wants to be touched by some really old lady they don’t know very well” And she is 100% better looking and better groomed than any other elderly lady I know. And she is right. And I will remember that.

My SIL publicly yelled at my FIL to stop demanding hugs and kisses from her daughter and FIL nearly collapsed in shock. (He doesn’t touch my kid that way because my kid is a boy and male bodies are respected but female bodies are public property.)

FIL just sputtered, “oh? OH? THAT’S BAD? Well, maybe I will never kiss

A lot of the images I see on them are flat out gross, not to mention they often mess with the alignment of the content on the site, and way too often have nothing remotely to do with the content of the page.

I would still have to look at them. Also, you can still click by accident. she gets to be the contrite victim to absolve her of the fact that a minor incident caused her to lose her temper and threaten to kill all Muslims. Still not cool.

Justin Bieber ran over a photographer after church

That line really wasn’t even necessary. Everyone would have assumed that this went down in a walmart parking lot. That’s just where people like her spend their time.

Remember that girl who wouldn’t go out with you last spring?

Anyone else notice that whenever these diamonds in the rough actually get caught on camera, they look just like the worthless Jerry Springer trash that we expect, but when they come on here, they try to claim to be lawyers and startup wizards?

A woman in Fargo, ND, has apologized after three Somali women filmed her launching death threats at them. Footage of the incident, which occurred in a Walmart parking lot

Red Bull Blue Edition in 8.4 and 12oz varieties LOL

I do not want to be required to pay more taxes. My set of morals involves me and what’s important to me (as with most people), along with volunteering I do at church and through my local community. I couldn’t give two shits and a fuck about some SJW asshat who calls me names, shouts me down as racist, bigot,

no, it’s really not your thing. That’s why nobody can understand what it’s doing here.

And it’s kinda driving users away. I turned my adblock on when you started doing political posts in Life Hacker, and I encourage others to as well.

As much as I hate to utter the following phrase - I have to agree with the chumps-for-Trump on FB who are losing their minds over this post...

I fell like the better statistic would be a comparison of the average cost of medical care per soldier vs per trans-soldier. If that’s the same, then it’s certainly as ridiculous as it sounds, but if there actually is a large difference, then would that merit a policy change like this? This is an honest question and