Where are these “far too many white people” indicating they are the real victims of society? I’ll wait.
Where are these “far too many white people” indicating they are the real victims of society? I’ll wait.
Except, it’s not. Science is based on observation, and repeatable events leading to the same observation.
Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll edit my negative Yelp review and withdraw my complaint to the Better Business Bureau.
That picture is adorable AF. Also, I love the Sailor in the background who looks like he just saw Santa Claus.
As usual Pete Souza’s on it.
Christ, it’s not anywhere near subtle! “Children, cheer your glorious Leader! Inform on your parents! Buy war bonds!”
I think he must think we don’t history or something
I actually do this with my husband. He is like a child when it comes to sharing food.
Um, I had multiple six packs during my wife’s pregnancy, so I’m not sure what the big deal is.
I’m not sure if you made that up or if it is a transcript.
“This time, don’t be afraid to lean into it.”
WHOAH that’s not a Modern Presidential way to use Twitter
So the President whose legacy McCain fought so hard to destroy gives him a message like this, while the current one that he has knuckled under to countless times calls him a loser for being a POW. Yet, somehow in the eyes of Republicans, Obama will always be the evil one.
Such class!
Make cancer say uncle.
Not necessarily. See:
It’s no big deal. Just think about all the butthole hiding just behind that thin piece of cotton.
But what if it wasn’t there.
you’re a lot less likely to draw unwanted attention to yourself if you’re worried about that sort of thing.
One row is about $40 per 3-4 linear feet of wall space = $$$$$. Yikes!
2X4 with nails. here I come.