
Why do I feel like everyone is underestimating the effectiveness of Russia’s campaign? Assad was close to collapse before they intervened. And now the rebels are on the defensive and in fact they will probably lose Latakia next month. The Russians bombing of the strategic city of Salma (in Latakia) allowed the regime

me when u try to pop off

What is needed is funding for humanitarian groups on the ground in these refugee camps. Using sexual violence as a weapon of war is not new at all, but it’s not a problem that armies are particularly good at addressing.

There’s a pretty big difference between willingly going off for a marriage to awful people and being taken from your family, having your father/brothers killed, and being sold into sex slavery. (Personally, I think the women/girls going off to become ISIS brides are as bad as the men who go off to become ISIS

23. Split Pea

Sorry but a lifetime ban was in order here. All of the incidents of biting, racism and violence were bad but seeing him gnawing on Ivanovic was like watching a real God damned Zombie attack. Fuck Luis and every one in Uruguay pretending he's not insane.