Shiny, brand new just broken in motorcycle, life giving rays of the morning sun breaking through the clouds for an epic, beautiful scene, not a soul for miles, and.. What’s this? Brand new smooth as silk pavement? Oh yeah, we’re gonna top this thing out.
I thought it was going to be travelling.
What’s her SR? :3
He’s the best suicide bomber. Dying under shield tanks on point control maps is very useful.
Can’t he sue Nissan for damages? Guy probably knows his way around the courts by now. Adjust the original $15 million offer for inflation, add all of the lawyer costs and court fees, and stick it in. They might even settle. :D
The “it wasn’t doing science” argument is totally invalid. It was a new rocket and a test launch, and in the past those would contain a brick of concrete. What would you rather have? Brick of concrete, or 4 hours of incredible, surreal video of the Earth from space and..
*Making elaborate scifi references. (Don’t…
I love how the fighter jet blatantly showed off his weapon load-out as he flew by.
Do not Google that name.
What are the odds that if they fail as a company, someone else just buys them?
A car that only had 2 wheels and was also a motorcycle. Hail hurts.
Same. Young, stupid, new motorcycle, no traffic, freshly repaved freeway. 155 mph indicated. Ticketed for 98 and sent on my way. Lesson learned, never did it again.
I have done this. Woman stopped on the freeway to exit late and was almost rear-ended by a big rig. She got pissed off and floored it to leave, never even noticing how close she came to being a pavement pancake. Thumbs down, lady.
Here I thought rentals that went to Burning Man had it rough.
Please fix “Shesez found discovered something important:”
I want to see one of these bugs pop up during a sanctioned tournament, it’d be awesome. If you Mei wall someone through the floor as a strategy, is that OK?
I just found one of the most awesome motivational speeches in the history of man, for a game where you flick discs at a hole. Behold!