Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.
Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.
But it’s perfectly fine if it’s that bitch Clinton and her emails 10 days before the election ...right?
“Morris is by no means the easiest person to understand or sympathize with, but she was clearly someone who lived life on her own terms. That’s what makes her so fascinating.”
as a feminist liberal
But if the average sentence for her crime is 3.5 years, she’s already served that time. She has paid her debt.
The sentence was way out of range. Trump’s own National Security adviser leaked intel to Pakistan with at least as much consequence to field operations, and what was his punishment? He was informally reprimanded
I came here for this and was not disappointed. This is one of the finest comments in Deadspin history. Well done.
This exchange sounds remarkably similar to many of the exchanges I had with my ex, where neither one of us had the stones to admit the relationship was doomed because neither one of us wanted to be there. The weird part is that George Karl was the root of the problem in that relationship, too. It was an.....odd…
“Said his husband, David Rosenberg, whom he met in 1956 and married eight years ago...”
Now hold on… Cheeto Benito’s already said he has no recollection of that!
That Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was in the Ku Klux Klan.
Not that it matters, given that Donald Trump’s father was a member of the Klan.
What we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers is we are going to surround him with the soft sensuality of the place. It’s a much more poetic cadence than having a circus-like celebration that’s a coronation,” Barrack said. “That’s the way this president-elect wanted it.
My angry thoughts were that the ignorant white woman was given the lede, unchallenged, and that most of the people quoted seem like they don’t know their history. As soon as someone says something about how feminist infighting “hurts the cause,” I know to stop listening.
Cynics: Bullshit.
So when is the “right time” to address the issues that uniquely face women of color? It didn’t seem to be the “right time” during Obama’s administration, either. Are you sure you don’t just want to sweep the conversation under the rug with a promise of a “next time” that never comes?
But you can’t get people together to win elections if you don’t address their serious concerns around jobs, healthcare outcomes, police violence ect, ect, ect. I think white progressives need be part of the coming together by accepting these concerns, not pushing them aside.