
You can drive a Razor on the road here in AZ. Just needs blinkers and you have to wear goggles. Have at it!

Have you ever seen the Bilstein 5100 shocks? They certainly do add lift your vehicle by re-indexing where the suspension component (spring, air bag) sits on the shock body. So it is not totally wrong to say a shock adds lift but I get where you’re coming from.

How about he turn properly and pass the wheel from hand to hand instead of crossing his wrists? That is an amateur move. He physically couldn’t turn the steering wheel anymore because he was flat out doing it wrong.

Look at this pro move. Been awhile since I went through NASA driving classes but pretty certain this is where you went wrong.

Pretty sure a driving school would have something to say about this...

Yeah the first one worked out. It did take a couple nervous days wondering if I had just gave up my current job for I ultimately could not accept under the new terms. The HR was trying to do some shady math to support the difference. I held firm and got what I was offered.

My company had a security freak out about a year ago. We all have to badge in when entering and leaving the buildings. You’re not supposed to piggy back with other people. Some homeless person made it in and was asking where they were supposed to go for their interview. Took us 2 hours to figure out the just walked in

Two small stories

How about this beauty!

The Macan is genuinely where my money would be going if I was buying 60k vehicles. No doubt about that

I second that. I will never buy a car with the shifter there

Yes x10000

Got a perfect score!!! 0/12

Funny. I got the exact one in the picture back in June. We just got an upgraded hammock last night, one that stays open, a "spreader". Turns out we need a 15' stand so we have to replace the whole thing.

Funny. I got the exact one in the picture back in June. We just got an upgraded hammock last night, one that stays

and there seems to be an alternator. I don’t think those small outboards have alternators.

People would confuse those cars as good looking? So they’re terrible cars and Ugly, hmm

Agree 100x

It would be nice if you put more than one half assed line about why he did this. He did it because he sees how big of a threat Citizens United is to our democracy and wants campaign finance reform. I do too

WTH are you guys talking about? It’s obviously a TT

I changed out the slave cylinder in my e36 325IS a few years back and took it to a shop to have it bled since it needed a vacuum bleeder that I didn't have. Took it to a BMW shop that was not too far from home. Couple hours later I get a call its going to be "$300 cause you put the slave cylinder in upside down." Um