
Vote : AOKP

+1 for GIMP. If you’ve never used Photoshop you are better off by not having expectations about how and where there things should be.

I cannot speak about Cannon as I am new to photography and was gifted a Nikon. If I were debating between Nikon and Canon I think I would be more interested in the Canon’s as I have learned they have larger sensors in the cropped sensor cameras and larger lenses (58mm vs 52mm) which should both equate to more detail,

Who was the target audience of this post? Cause you missed it. Not sure if you are trying to impress the dubsteppers or if you are hiding behind big words to mask your insecurities created from not "getting" dubstep.

GMOTE has been able to do this for a long time and more.

I don't know who was the originator but for a couple bucks more you can a more stylish hoody from Rusty with headphones.

I've got th easiest fix. just simply rip off a piece of a business card and and place it on top of the battery prior to putting the cover back on. The added bit of pressure makes it snug and it has never fallen off since.

What license is android under? I thought with GNU and Open Source so long as you give credit where due there essentially is no restrictions of use?

I love it, that is just about perfect in my eyes, I even appreciate the shortened names and your colors schemes / backgrounds