The Fool

Obviously, Captain America should rotate romantic partners, fielding women equal to their racial proportion in modern America. In that case, Rosario Dawson would count as "two".

It just didn't make sense from a 'show momentum' perspective. We know Brienne is going to see Blackfish, and we haven't even seen her traveling yet. Jaime's confrontation with the guy is clearly happening, and the whole point of that exchange is that the Lannisters aren't going to just up and kill either Tully if they

-Dany update: Dany recognizes a good PR move when she sees it.

-I agree that the 'less is more' staging of the Sansa-Littlefinger scene was effective. All the satisfaction came from Sansa/Brienne's side of the argument, but I'd argue Aiden Gillen really made the scene. For all the 'accent' criticism he receives, he's quite good at looking like he's rapidly filtering information

Take off your maaaaaask!
It's actually a dead person's skin magically grafted to my face.
Uhh, shit. Alright. Hey, lemme know if you see Wooderson skulking around here.

I think GoT is the type of fictional world where time-travel can't change the past, unless it already has, and the time-traveler is just following through on destiny. Wylis became Hodor before Bran had any inkling of warg/greenseer powers. I think the show's implying that Bran's emotional connection to the people he

I think it's a case of the writers trying to maintain a lot of subplots so there's continuity, instead of taking Martin's lead and using the most transferable plot elements. You end up with a lot of dialogue that just reestablishes things so people remember them: Jaime needlessly poking at Zombie Mountain, Children of

I thought he was trying to instill doubt in Sansa even after ceding the argument.

To that I would say, it would depend on how many people are on the Iron Islands. And the show has wisely kept its cards close to the vest in failing to disclose appropriate population statistics.

I doubt the show will play it that way, because it would draw a direct parallel with Cersei and the Faith Militant. I don't think they'd have Tyrion make that mistake here, so far in the narrative, when his administrative acumen is supposed to be shining through.

Meera's upbringing and hunting skillset is perfect for improving with pre-Bronze Age weaponry. When she pulled the spear above her shoulder, I remembered, oh yeah, she can do things like that. She hasn't done anything other than have legs in a few years.

Didn't he just say he was fast tracking Bran to get him up to speed? Alright, let's stand around a courtyard now.

"We're gonna have the best raids. Our raids are gonna be tremendous. And I'll tell ya this: We're not gonna pay 'em. We're gonna get Bear Island to pay for 'em."

The Wall is so low on named characters, the Night's Watch constantly prep new arrivals for command.

-Kingsmoot: Easy crowd, high stakes. I would definitely spectate an election where the winner leads a posse to kill the losers.

I just had a flashback to reading about all those weird parties going on after the war in Gravity's Rainbow. And then the plot moves on to sleeping in burned out buildings when I just want to know what drugs they were taking.

GoT's populism angle has been noted since the High Sparrow arrived, and a comparison with Trump/Republicans is totally valid. But what does Clinton vs. Sanders have to do with any of this? Comparing their liberal policies to the show's slave trade is kind of…insensitive, right? I mean, sure, both involve overturning

-I think Jon was (relatively) obscured in the Stark reunion scene because the Northern Conspiracy arc revolves around Sansa. Despite her illusions being shattered in seasons 2-5, Sansa still has that graceful aura of a noblewoman, and she'll probably become a figurehead for the North to rally around. The 'little bird'

"Well men, it's finally here: the eve of battle. Soon, we move henceforth, and conquer! Now, do you see why I insisted we wear our armor at all times?"

Now that it's spread to the base of his forearm, it's probably too late for amputation. Cutting off hands/feet works sometimes in the books, but Jorah's had it for weeks (months?) now.