The Fool

Well, serious answer, he was one of the more entertaining characters in the first/second seasons, which tended to focus on Rick-Lori-Shane too much. Daryl was given interesting conflict, but he also didn't eat up too much screen time with inane conversation. His relationship with Meryl (one of the most entertaining

It's weird how correct this is. Especially since Boba Fett wears a helmet, so the dirtstache and the sleepy thing don't really make sense.

Well, he carries the greatest zombie killing weapon of all, and no one else ever seems to catch on. So there's that.

I don't know if there's enough left to function as a society if the cops are removed. It's a nice installation to have in the post-apocalypse, sure, but after the supplies run out, who would venture out to find more? It's not really clear how many orderlies are around, and in any case, their survival implies they're

Established black characters calling new black characters T-Dog? That's some Charlie Kaufman-level shit right there.

Carol's survival has me worried. The other fan favorites (Glenn, Daryl, Michonne) seem so central to the show's appeal that the writers would have to be crazy to kill them off. The show just makes too much money to risk it.

That makes sense. I was wondering why they kept framing Daryl smoking in that last scene, it seemed like some kind of visual motif.

I've been waiting for Tara's bike comment to pay off. Maybe it was supposed to show how Abraham's leadership was lacking common sense, or just the writers acknowledging a common criticism. But the way it was framed and shot made it seem important, somehow.

-Daryl stopped Carol from shooting Noah (after he robbed them), then left him to die because he threw a walker off himself, and the walker just happened to grab at Carol? I understand Daryl's protectiveness, but the motivation there seemed crazy unbalanced.

In her defense, they were making a lot of noise in a library. Can't they read the signs?

When Glenn acknowledged the toilet water, the camera shifted to a Maggie reaction shot, and Lauren Cohen's perfect teeth seemed ridiculous.

Other than the general 'women can get away with that stuff in tv/film' trope, it should also be noted that she peeked for a second, while Eugene straight up glared for several minutes. They clearly saw him, discussed it between themselves, laughed, then looked back at him. He watched himself being discovered and

Science in front, LAN party in back.

Time for Glenn to lighten the mood with an improvised golf course.

I give the voyeurism a pass because Eugene defended it so succinctly. Definitely sounded like he practiced that explanation in his head. Doesn't make it less alarming, but everyone's reaction to it was realistic enough.

Water? Clean drinking water? That's perfect! As desperate survivors of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, we have no need for that!

Hundreds, maybe a few thousand zombies, mulling about some kind of plantation area. They weren't littered on the road, so they could have hypothetically ran through, but they'd be chased down that one road for miles and miles. Not particularly possible on foot.

-Even if Abraham was still a cartoon, everyone else acted like they were following a person who was clearly a cartoon. That was very refreshing.

I agree that the hospital isn't fleshed out enough, but I don't think it's an indictment of Beth's decision-making. Noah dismissed any interest in the hospital itself when they first met, so it makes sense (at least conversationally) that Beth wouldn't ask him specifics. The doctor, yeah I agree, although it's unclear

Well sure, I guess she could have had actual administrative duties: somebody's gotta breed/cook those guinea pigs. It struck me as insane when McRapist actually said that Dawn was only in charge 'for now', though. That's the kind of thing that would justify Dawn shooting him in the head, no questions asked.