The Fool

-Was Ygritte making a commotion to distract the Wildlings from Gilly's escape? No! There's no implication of Ygritte seeing Gilly, nor does she seem aware of how transparent her motivations are. Even the half-insane cannibal Wildlings can read her 'Out for Blood' ramblings as a weak facade for 'The Wrath of a Woman

The lesbian cop from The Wire always struck me as essentially good. Not just the moral cop-counterpart to a criminal, but a genuine and usually warm presence. If I remember correctly, she was one of the few characters to resist any long-term downward spirals. She certainly had bad things happen (as is life), but

Yeah, the way suspicions were gradually raised and pointed towards Chaz made the evidence (and his reaction to it) very damning. He didn't get a chance to show he was ignorant of the evidence, and the gun-in-the-backpack probably enacted his wife's child-protection mode over faithful-spouse functions.

-That false-confession scene between Lester and Bill was AMAZING. Martin Freeman's acting has gotten more impressive by the episode, but he nailed it there. And Odenkirk's reaction really surprised me. His expression was so rapt and genuine, it was probably a blast for Freeman to act against.
-I will give Key and Peele

-Was it odd to anyone else that the cop refused Lester a ride? You'd think protocol would be different in a region like this, where a person could easily die from exposure if they lacked resources and a town wasn't in walking distance.

Didn't think much of it until the Idle Hands reference.

-Shae refuses Varys' bribe to leave Westeros with a small fortune, says "If he wants me to leave, he can tell me himself."

Yeah, I took it as genuine warmth. She wasn't praising her out of novelty, or something that would minimize Brienne's sense of self. The lady is enormous, imposing, and the comical mix of gown and battle armor actually showed how she handles the high-society parts of being a knight just the same as a man would. Olenna

She's also notably better groomed for the Queen position than Cersei was. The Lannisters are immensely powerful, obviously, but she basically obtained that title through her father's opportunistic angling, and Tywin isn't known for teaching his children much except prompt debt-paying, withering contempt for humanity,

He looked a lot more like Arya's mysterious assassin friend, which made everything 3x as confusing for me.

Well yeah, those Unsullied live in the GoT universe, and…they don't have any sexual prospects to speak of. I'd imagine they'd want to continue fighting, because fuck it, what else does someone do in that position?

"They're on the run, of course
Obsessed with deadly force
They'll carve ya,
It's Arya and the Hound, Hound Hound Hound
Hound, Hound, Hound, Hound,

Part of the point, I think, was that Jeff was old enough to be REALLY into G.I. Joe as a kid around 10 or so. Abed probably knows more than he reasonably should about vintage 80's cartoons, but its not a nostalgic attachment like it is for Jeff. Abed's like 23 or 24, so he (presumably) has fond memories of early

I didn't catch it at first because Hickey seems to be barely holding back his rage. His 'partner' line was funny to the audience, but everyone laughing a few seconds after he mentioned him (for the first time) seemed alarmingly off-base, and his forced laughter made me expect him to blow up at everybody in the room.

The note from Pierce made me chuckle. Foreboding in a "Is Jeff already dead" kind of way, but also funny and accurate. Pierce is literally Jeff + Old Age = Still at Greendale.

Inventing boobs is just one step away from remembering Annie, who is still in the real world and terribly worried about her friend.

Why does my back hurt!?

"…Called it."

I like that Fourth Wall was an offensive Native American stereotype (doubly offensive because Abed's Arabic/Polish, or whatever), but his name had absolutely nothing to do with that. It was so egregious, Jeff had to point it out.

That goddamn t.v. is the funniest prop ever.