
Quick divorce him and take his money (it’s really your money anyway since he’d be NOWHERE without you!)

You spend your whole fucking life hoarding stars on here.

A black man beating a child. How unusual.

I really don't think anyone who writes for Deadspin is qualified to dole out personal advice.

Barry is jealous. He spends his days and nights longing for a big black man to blow him kisses.

There it is. If you question the narrative then you’re a racist. What I said is an accurate representation of the overt racism of the black community but SJWs like yourself don’t like it when that hypocrisy is pointed out. Tell me, how do you reconcile your feminism with the war on women that black men are

Black people in 2008: We’re angry let’s elect a president based on skin color

He’s about as beta as it gets. You know just know he’s a cuckold.

Someone who writes for Deadspin is criticizing another journalist? Holy shit, that’s ironic.