make that six, as the North has officially seceded from the kingdom.
make that six, as the North has officially seceded from the kingdom.
destroy the Iron Throne in his fiery rage, and then fly off with Daenerys’ body. But again: What else could have happened that would have felt as right?
Meanwhile, Deadline reports CW Seed has commissioned a live-action horror comedy set in a haunted sorority and an animated series starring the ever-popular Slade “Deathstroke” Wilson.
They’d lived for two years with The Force Awakens, reading theories about who Rey was, who Snoke was, and walked into The Last Jedi with pretty defined opinions about what they wanted to see.
There’s a growing notion over the last two films that powerful Force users don’t need to follow a Jedi code to be heroes. Rey, of course, is the best example, but The Last Jedi ends with another one in “Broom Boy,”
It’s more implicit, but I’d guess that he goes back to her at the time that they took the stones, which means that would be post Agent Carter show. Not that the MCU has any issues sh*ting on the TV shows, but I think we’re good when it comes to the Agent Carter timeline vs Cap coming back. I think it’s why they don’t…
“When you get into the world of the Avengers, it’s a complete opposite show. You have characters from all over the galaxy mixing with each other. And it’s a very different feel on set, because you have people who are blue and green—Iron Man and stuff. It’s pretty crazy.”
Maybe the logic here is: “Thing meant as tongue in cheek joke should be taken as tongue and cheek joke.”
I’m betting on Dany turning on the Starks and seemingly killing them all with the last scene being of someone whose face you can’t see laying on a bed saying “Daenerys Targaryen” over and over again.
Someone who works in the Collections field here and keep in mind that even without a specified maximum number of texts or emails, the general rule still prohibits abusive practices. In today’s world there aren’t limits on calls, but you could still sue if you get 300 calls in a week. Same idea will apply here. You…
I’m a FL resident and I actually cross the border into AL to buy
The major problem is that we literally see him give up on his gold in order to save Jaime when he was charging the dragon. So we’ve seen him choose his boys over money.
My father is a retired postman, I can confirm it is a thing, at least here in the South, and I do it now more out of respect for him then any love I feel for my crappy mail carrier. He mostly got fast food gift cards of like $5. Sometimes he’d get a Christmas pack of Coke (which he thought was as weird as all of us).…
AS: Then I choose the incredible, edible Cadbury Egg.
“Because so many of you have invested your time, your hearts mind, your space, your power, your reality, and your souls into these stories,”
I know I’m just a nerd, but I can’t help imaging a kid yelling “Block the door, block the door, block the door.” and then getting kicked in the nuts and being in the fetal position “Block the door, block the door, blo th oor, blo th or, blodor.” and now that’s all the kid can say.
Pretty sure the Jedi Order is dead and Rey is just going to name the new Light Side Force Users “Skywalkers” in honor of the grumpy old man that maybe said one or two moderately wise things between long bouts of ignoring her for reasons.
I want a flashback of Old Sheev pulling a Mary Poppins like Leia did.
Interesting... then maybe what we saw happen to Luke at the end of LJ was him transporting to a different time?