
Are you retarded?

I’m glad your delusions have made you happy.Please seek help.

A strong case of retardation

I understand what ptsd is because I know what happens in the military, not every ptsd suffer is a rape victim and not all rape victims have ptsd.

It still makes you look an asshole and someone who isn’t really practicing what they preach.

If you wanna put a warning something that’s fine but the person I replied to logic was pretty warped.

No but I’ve been molested several times over the course of my childhood by different people and I was abused for most of my childhood. Does that qualify me as having valid opinion in your eyes?

Terrarria was itself pretty sparse at release. Also, when comparing the popularity of the two, it’s important to keep in mind that the market was far less saturated at Terraria’s release. Then there’s the fact that Terraria has been on the market for longer, which has allowed it a larger market share, and that it has’s not. Caring about social justice doesn’t make you a SJW. Pretending you care about social justice and fighting over pedantic crap that affects no one over the internet in order to make yourself look good/stroke your ego makes you a SJW.

I like how any time someone DOESN’T use SJW in a derogatory manner, you know right off the bat what kind of person they are, and can ignore everything else they say about whatever it is they’re bitching about.

Well let’s take a look at Chucklefish. Though this example smudges the line quite a bit, they have been hard at work on Starbound for years and years yet still as an indie studio they have been able to help produce such games as Stardew Valley (and were even good enough to allow Concerned Ape the freedom to do as he

I feel you, that is what I figured . I will always stand by saying, to each their own when it comes to game preferences. My point was in terms of the games themselves being highly successful (not from a popularity perspective but in sheer terms of profitability for the dev). You made it seem like the movement is

If Throne and Necrodancer are what you would consider the top games to come out of early access programs I don’t know if you’ve played enough variety considering what is available out there. They are great games, and some of my most played in my library but they are far from the best early access full releases in my

Will people please stop using autism as an insult. I have autism and I do not appreciate it being used as such.

IDK, I love my teleporters and elevators.

Yeah I was just thinking about this today, how these days “everyone’s culture needs to be valued and protected” means “welcome to the National Socialist Utopia Of Apartheid, where all races and cultures are equal but must be kept separate, all of them must live in their own walled communities and keep their gene-pool

Are you trying to point out a flaw in my impeccable logic? I don’t see any flaws so there must not be any!

Exactly. A good parallel outside gaming circles is vegans and Militant Vegans. One group wants to do what they feel is the right thing because of their own personal reasons, while the other wants to attack (sometimes viciously) the “others” for not following that example. One is perfectly acceptable even if you

*omniknight have appeared in the topic*

I think you mean Starforge, good sir. Starbound is well-supported and on its way to 1.0 release, with more and more game-changing patches being rolled out. For example, there’s an actual quest that makes you dig deep into your starting planet for a special ore that allows you to enable interplanetary travel, and