Mordant Fare

Except, when they don’t. I worked for Jewel and their union was fucking awful, useless and corrupt. In fact, I never came across a union that didn’t involve skilled labor to be worth a fucking shit. They take more money from you and you don’t get any real representation or benefits, just doing full-time work for

Clearly an BDSM hood.

What? You don't have to add liquid to the slow cooker, but you absolutely should if a recipe calls for it. You'll never get near the boiling point at all unless your machine is defective. Slow cookers are an electronic vessel for braising, just like using a dutch oven in the oven or on the stove. You absolutely

I would only object to the suggestion of adding 1/2 cup water in one circumstance: meats. You don't want to give the meat any opportunity to boil, which will make it tough and stringy.

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SeaTac Airport in Seattle several years ago instituted a cell phone lot. It's a 2 minute drive from the lot to the arrivals pickup and parking is free while you wait. Saves some of the hassle.