Mordant Fare

Um...not sure why all the Office 64-bit hate. We deployed the 64-bit version of Office 2010 in our 200+ seat organization in 2011 and have never had a significant problem with it. In fact, for our Finance folks it's been a godsend as they work with huge amounts of Excel data. We've also been testing out Office 2013

Honestly, give it a shot some time and see how much more tender the meat comes out if you don't bathe it in water. Watching this method work in the real world is how I came to believe in it.

I would only object to the suggestion of adding 1/2 cup water in one circumstance: meats. You don't want to give the meat any opportunity to boil, which will make it tough and stringy.

Yep. Use N++ practically every day. The automatic detection of syntax is awesome. Some great plugins as well.

This. These guys are great and very reasonable on yearly subscriptions.

I keep a second hard drive in my computer specifically for second-disk backups (has saved my bacon on several occasions.) I keep files/folders synced with DirSync Pro between the drives. (I would at some point like to get a NAS with RAID 5 to be my main backup location but I can't bring myself to bite off the cost of

About once a month. Nearest Coscto is 40 miles away. When we lived nearer the Big C, it was weekly visits, almost using them like a grocery store.

Hacked my Wii to play games off a hard drive. My kids were destroying the disks, popping them in and out, leaving them out of the case face down everywhere. After I had to buy a second copy of Wii Sports because mine was so scratched it wouldn't load, I said, "no more" and soft-modded the Wii.

SeaTac Airport in Seattle several years ago instituted a cell phone lot. It's a 2 minute drive from the lot to the arrivals pickup and parking is free while you wait. Saves some of the hassle.


According to the website, all you need is internet access and a browser. Everything is done in the browser.

One other critical ingredient in bread I've discovered recently: soy lecithin.

Parchment paper works, but if not cut right to fit down in the pan properly, can deform the edges of the cake.

[VOTE:] XBox 360 Controller

Any way to get some of these lovely backgrounds in two or three monitor widths? (3480 x 1080 or 5760 x 1080).

As others have said, add protein. Until recently I at oatmeal or cold cereal for breakfast and was always famished by 10AM.