
I’m convinced he trolled D&D into making all the worst choices, so that whatever he writes will shine in comparison. 

Eternal Sunshine I GUESS could have some leeway with the argument that its central science is just a plot device (though it’s absolutely central to the movie), but how in hell is Her not sci-fi? It’s set in the future, extrapolated from our present. One of the main characters is entirely AI. It’s largely about

I thought A Scanner Darkly was very good.

As with any movie list, this is sure to spur a ton of argument, but hey. (ETA: Hey, I’m not in the grays anymore! Awesome.)

That third act has always left a sour taste in my mouth. Such a waste of a quiet, dire tone.

The plot is what it needs to be. It’s well constructed, no obvious holes, the setting is well explained through visuals and action.

Eternal Sunshine is a film about using futuristic technology as a lens to view the human condition. That’s pretty close to my basic definition of the genre.

Yeah, this seems to be the overall consensus. However, I have only watched it once (when it was in theaters!) and while I clearly remember downright hating the ending, it left an impression on me lasting to this day. That has to count for something, right?

The first 2/3rds of Sunshine was incredible. The last part was...disappointing. Still liked it overall.

I respect your ballsy argument about Blade Runner. It’s totally wrong. But I respect it. Also - thanks for The Abyss. Totally forgot.

Starship Troopers and Snowpiercer are massively overrated IMO

+1 for Abyss mention, and -10000 for thinking Blade Runner is bad and isn’t a vital precursor to several other films you liked.

The included the Matrix, which is Dark City with half the style and 100 times the bullets

Sunshine is one of my favorite movies up until it kinda becomes a completely different movie with 15 minutes left.

So a bunch of Hollywood producers are sitting around in a room and say “This is a damn good movie but lets kick it up a bit and add a monster in the third reel!” and this is how “Sunshine” was ruined. Still one of the best I believe. 

agreed - Children of Men had the same kind of impact on me as an adult as did seeing 2001, Star Wars, Close Encounters and Blade Runner as a kid; I had a wonderful experience watching it in that I just stumbled onto it late one night on tv; I had no preconceptions and it proceeded to draw me in within approx 1 minute.

I just saw Children of Men again at the Alamo Drafthouse. And that viewing was almost as much of a gut-punch as it was when I saw it during its opening weekend. After not seeing it for almost 5 years, its scary how much closer we seem to be for its premise - especially for the paranoid signs in the background about

where in the ever living fuck is Dark City??!!!

The affection this site has for Starship Troopers blows my mind. Look, I get what they were trying to do just fine, its still dull and clunky.

needs more a scanner darkly. my personal pick for best pkd adaptation.