
And then 161-0 within a mile or two on the ground. And they probably do that at least a couple dozen times before they’re replaced.
How often do airplane tires get replaced, anyway? Gotta imagine they’d have to take the plane out of service for at least a day, so it’s not something they do every day or even every week.

This might be a dumb question, but what kind of gas does this thing use? Can you put modern 87 octane in it, or is there a special blend for old cars like this that you need?
Same with the oil and any other fluids that might be in it. You could always make your own parts if you had to, but where do you find the

You never want to go full retard.

Anybody else see this headline and think, “Black Panthers? Someone other than Chadwick Boseman played that role?”

For all their faults, the U.S. Postal Service and the U.S. air travel system are both modern marvels of logistical efficiency that are way too often unfairly crapped upon.

I think Californians prefer tilting at them.

That doesn’t seem that fast until you’re in a Winnebago and the Tesla blows right past you.

I was thinking more along the lines of the laws of physics, which tend to trump the laws of any given country.

I don’t think it’s that a 787 Dreamliner is not allowed to go low and slow, it’s that you really don’t want them to do that.

The in-flight entertainment includes a roulette wheel, but unfortunately you always have to bet on black.

Yakov Smirnov is considering hosting the Aeroflot version.

So how long now before my PS4 becomes a doorstop?

Don’t forget the streets that are lined with poop.

If you haven’t seen it, you have no idea.

Starred for the reference, but good God do I hate this fucking movie with the passion of a million burning suns. Seriously, it makes me damn near violent with rage just thinking that I gave $8 to that snooty French asshole of a director to watch his piece of shit movie that he then insulted me for watching.

Captain Boomerang is a Flash villain, so maybe that’s his time to shine.

There are plenty of ways to take out the Flash. The various Rogues have practically made it their life’s work over the years, both out of necessity and out of spite.
Some of them have superpowers, but a good number of them (Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Mirror Master and Trickster) are normal people who have done it

I grew up there and in that era, but did we court death by going to Action Park? Nooooo, we had to go to the much-safer Great Adventure where people only occasionally died because of their own stupidity or when the ramshackle haunted house burned down.
I feel so cheated.

A lot of it is their business model. They are charging below-market rates for rides (which is why they are so popular) in order to undercut existing taxi companies and car services (which are more expensive because they’re more highly-regulated by local and state governments, and thus have more overhead).
That way,

And people probably never will want to, because much like the internet and other intangible services it feels like electricity should be free when it’s procured outside the home.